Technological Laboratory

Base Knowledge

The course first year complete.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes – Elucidation of the principles of operation of the different techniques and presentation of examples of application.
Practical classes – Execution of previously established protocols; bibliographical research and reports on work realized in class.

Learning Results

The curricular unit, within the scope of this degree, aims to approach relevant techniques in the area of Biotechnology with practical and / or laboratory use not addressed in other UC’s of the course, whenever possible involving the experimental demonstration and from the point of view of construction of the techniques. The topics to be addressed may vary during the development and evolution of the course, depending on the competencies and equipment then acquired by the School, as well as their relevance and updating.


Module 1

1) Research of technical-scientific information. Use of databases. Use of VPN networks. Patents. Conducting research work based on scientific articles. 2) Phosphorescence, fluorescence and bioluminescence. Applications: Dynamic phototherapy: a new tool in selective cell death. Use in flow cytometry detectors. 3) Capillary electrophoresis. Capillary preparation for GC and EC. Contributions to the advancement of biotechnology: characterization of populations of microorganisms; recent developments. 4) Mass Spectroscopy (MS) and its potential. MALDI-MS. Structural identification by GC-LC-MS. Applications in metabolomics. Application: profile determination of compounds in biological samples. Solid phase extraction techniques: use of SPE and SPME.

Module 2 1) Vertical gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Applications: determination of protein profile in samples. 2) Bioengineering: Control and automation techniques: Analog and digital signals. Analog to digital conversion. sensors. Control basics: proportional control, PID. Labview.

Practical implementation of a reactor controlled by Labview and remotely accessible via the internet.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Modulo 1 - 50.0%
  • - Modulo 2 - 50.0%
Avaliação por exame
  • - modulo 1 -teste escrito - 50.0%
  • - molulo 2- teste escrito - 50.0%





Presentations were given by the teacher.


SEPARATION PROCESSES IN THE FOOD AND BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIES Separation processes in the food and biotechnology industries: principles and application / ed. by A. S. Grandison and M. J. Lewis. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 1996. (Woodhead publishing series in food science and technology

DEMAIN Arnold L. Manual of industrial microbiology and biotechnology. Washington: American Society for Microbiology, 1986 Microbiologia / Biotecnologia / Z04 CDU: 663.1