Base Knowledge
Mathematics, physics and computer basic softwares Knowledge.
Teaching Methodologies
Mostly presentations, discussion and practical works.
Learning Results
Provide knowledge about the main components of buildings and their construction processes in order to allow the definition of the the different constructive elements, namely, walls, floors, roofs and glazing in order to guarantee the satisfaction of functional requirements. Acquisition of skills and competences to design and dimension building systems for water distribution and drainage of domestic and rainwater wastewater.
1. Introduction
Context in the building elements.
2. Functional requirements
Building requirements. Insights and definition of the functional requirements applied to the different constructive elements that make up the buildings.
3. Technologies
Presentation of technologies associated with the construction components.
4. Building water systems
Design and dimension building water systems.
5. Building sewers systems
Design and dimension building sewers systems.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Study materials provided by the teacher.
Pedroso, Vítor M. R., “Manual dos sistemas prediais de distribuição e drenagem de águas”, LNEC.
Regulamento geral dos sistemas públicos e prediais de distribuição de águas e de drenagem de águas residuais (RGSPPDADAR).
Manual de alvenaria do tijolo, CTCV
Alves, Sérgio; Sousa, Hipólito, “Paredes exteriores de edifícios em pano simples”, Lidel
Manual de aplicação de telhas cerâmicas, CTCV