Territorial Entrepreneurship Project

Base Knowledge

The Curricular Unit does not require basic knowledge.

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching-learning methodologies will be used:

1. Verbal Methodologies (say) / Intuitive Methodologies (show), Exhibition, Explanation, Dialogue. Expositive Methodology, using audiovisual media to explain programmatic contents.
2. Active Methodologies (do), Case Study. Active Methodology, through the resolution of practical cases and discussion of case studies and scientific articles.
3. Collaborative methodologies, through group work.


Learning Results

Despite the current development of economies, entrepreneurship remains a critical factor, mainly in the areas of economic growth, job creation, reduction of regional asymmetries and personal affirmation. It is intended with this UC to sensitize students to the importance of entrepreneurship either as a career alternative or as a way of evolution within an Organization where the entrepreneur is already working.
Within the scope of this curricular unit, students must acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that allows them to:
– Understand entrepreneurship as a force for development and economic vitality of society.
– Know that the entrepreneurial process can occur within existing companies or through the creation of new companies from scratch.
– Understand entrepreneurship as a philosophy of personal life that fosters change and finds in disruptive (technological) changes of the market new business opportunities and personal fulfillment.
– Keep in mind that the entrepreneur captures in advance the new market trends and generates new consumption habits through the creation of innovative products and services.
– Stimulate the entrepreneurial potential of students, know the decision process and the determinants of the creation of companies and analyze the economic and financial viability of an investment project.
– Develop an entrepreneurial attitude through understanding business objectives and behaviors.
– Diagnose business opportunities in the market.
– Understand and structure the process of information and analysis of business opportunities.
– Develop entrepreneurial skills.
– Develop ideas and business models.
– Develop and build a business plan.
– Develop a business plan and evaluate the economic and financial viability of an investment project.
– Develop an investment project and analyze the economic and financial viability of the business.
– Recognize the different components of an entrepreneurial project.
– Explain the different components of an entrepreneurial project.
– Know how to relate concepts; develop and write an entrepreneurial project.
– Make a critical analysis of an entrepreneurial project.
– Write and present in public an idea of entrepreneurship and a business plan.
– Define criteria for evaluating the potential of a new business and the resources needed to develop and implement it.
– Develop financial analysis instruments necessary to analyze and calculate financing needs and to prepare forecasts of the future profitability of a new business. – Identify sources of financing for new business.
– Define a business implementation strategy through the preparation of a business plan. – Acquire essential knowledge in entrepreneurship and understanding how to start and manage your own company.
– Understand the role of project team members in planning and launching a new business, and the type of partners a business candidate should look for to develop their business idea.


1. Integrated and comprehensive vision on entrepreneurship.
1.1. Definitions, concepts and determinants of entrepreneurship.
1.2. Structural conditions favouring entrepreneurship and economic development.
1.3. Concepts, theories and processes of entrepreneurship.
1.3. Concepts, theories and processes of entrepreneurship.
1.4. Theoretical approaches to entrepreneurship.
1.5. Importance of innovation in territorial entrepreneurship
1.6. Entrepreneurship and development of the territory
1.7. Importance of territorial marketing strategies in the development of the territory.

2. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs.
2.1. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship.
2.2. Entrepreneur and entrepreneurial spirit.
2.3. The entrepreneurial process.
2.4. Entrepreneurial Strategies.

3. Opportunities, ideas and innovation.
3.1. The Environment for the Creation and Formulation of the Idea.
3.2. The Idea in the Business Context – The idea – the product/service.
3.3. The Formal Structure of Idea Support .

4. Methodology for choosing the business project.
4.1. From idea to business definition.
4.2 – Formulate, implement and manage a business idea.
4.3 – The Business Plan.
4.3.1. Formalization of the business plan.
4.3.2. The Business Plan Concept.
4.3.3. The Importance of the Business Plan.
4.3.4. Elements of a business plan.
4.3.4. Business Plan Methodology.
4.3.5. Stages of drawing up a business plan.
4.3.6. The market and marketing strategy.
4.3.7. Business Plan Evaluation Criteria.
4.3.8. Analyse the economic and financial viability of an investment project.

5. Entrepreneurship funding.
5.1. Ways of financing a business/project.

6. From design to company creation.
6.1. The main stages of setting up a company

7. Dealing with Success/Business.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

final assessment by exam
  • - written exam - 70.0%
  • - business plan - 30.0%
periodic evaluation
  • - Group work ' business plan - 30.0%
  • - 1 written frequency - 50.0%
  • - activity practice business for a day - 20.0%




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