Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching program involves the presentation of the syllabus in the classroom by the teacher, calling for the intervention of the student in the teaching process, the content presentation by the teacher followed by group work, the organization of study visits, the organization of a work and its oral presentation.The evaluation was organized according to the academic regulation of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the IPC. In this sense, the continuous evaluation will be based on the organization of practical work by students inside or outside the classroom (10%) of a written test (40%) and organizing of a work and oral presentation (50%). A evaluation by examination is based on the achievement of a single written test to be carried out at the end of the semester.
Learning Results
1-Understand the importance of the heritage inscribed in a territory for tourism
2-Understand the relationship between territory and cultural identity
3-Understand the concept of heritage
4-Identify types of heritage
5-Know sources and methods for the study of local heritage
6-Understand the relationship between heritage resources and tourism
7-Understand the heritage as a factor in boosting tourism
8-Identify legal instruments for the protection of the cultural heritage the national and international level
9-Assess the importance of the Common Heritage of Humanity in the context of tourism
10-Identify attitudes of preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage
11-Understand the importance of heritage for a community
1. Territory, heritage and tourism
1.1. Territory and cultural identity
1.2. Evolution of the concept of heritage
1.3. Types of heritage
1.4. Sources and methodes for the study of local heritage
1.5. Heritage resources and tourism
2 Cultural heritage as a resource tourism
2.1. Legal instruments for the protection of cultural heritage at national level
2.2 Instruments of protection of heritage at international level
2.3. The Common Heritage of Humanity: its relevance for tourism
2.4. The heritage education and tourism
3. Heritage and territory becoming heritage: illustrative cases
4. Promote the valorization of heritage for tourism purposes
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Frequency - 40.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
CABRAL, C.B. (2011). Património Cultural Imaterial. Convenções da Unesco e seus contextos. Edições 70.
CAMPOS, M.R.C. (2006). A transformação gradual de um Património Histórico em Recurso Turístico: o caso da Lousã. Lições de Turismo 5, UniverCidade, pp. 53-63.
CARVALHO, P. & FERNANDES, J. L. (2012). Património Cultural e Paisagístico. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
CHOAY, F. (2003). Património e Mundialização. Licorne
CONFEDERAÇÃO DO TURISMO PORTUGUÊS (2005). Reinventando o Turismo em Portugal. Confederação do Turismo Português.
FORTUNA, C., GOMES, C., FERREIRA, C., ABREU, P. & PEIXOTO, P. (2012). A Cidade e o Turismo. Dinâmicas e desafios do turismo Urbano em Coimbra. Almedina.
NABAIS, J. C. (2010). Introdução ao Direito do Património Cultural. Almedina.
OLIVEIRA, C., PINTO, J.R.& FERREIRA, L.(Orgs.) (2011).Turismo, Património e Inovação. Afrontamento.