Territory and Local Products

Base Knowledge

Non applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures will be theoretical-practical. An expository methodology will be used to present the theoretical concepts that will be exemplified with the presentation of case studies issued from the National reality. The exhibition will be made using power point presentations, videos, practical demonstrations on the farm, bibliography and other references of the specialty. The learning outcomes will be evaluated in a formative and summative way through the development of a technical itinerary project for the creation and use of a product and a written test.

Learning Results

1. To know the edaphoclimatic characteristics of Portugal, its diversity and distribution.

2. To know the national production systems.

3. To know the main national agricultural production and associated practices.

4. To know the destiny of the production from fresh consumption to conservation and transformation.

5. To understand the importance of the diversity of agricultural genetic heritage and its preservation.

6. To understand the importance of sustainable and quality production systems for the preservation of the ecosystems and territories.


1. National agricultural production framework. Soil, climate, water and energy. Geography and agriculture: the great agricultural regions and the agricultural systems in Portugal. Agriculture and the agricultural environment. Typology of holdings: size and markets. Production bottlenecks.

2. National agricultural production: traditional practices and modern technologies. Major annual crops. Perennial crops: vineyard, fruit and olive growing. Family and industrial horticulture. Extensive and intensive livestock farming.

3. Destination of agricultural production. Fresh consumption: fruits and vegetables. Conservation: from traditional to modern technologies. Transformation: from traditional to agro-food industries.

4. Agricultural production and genetic heritage. Preservation of traditional varieties of cultivated plants and native breeds.

5. Regulated quality agricultural production. Sustainable, integrated and biological production. Quality products of plant and animal origin

Curricular Unit Teachers




Caldas, E. (1991) – A agricultura portuguesa através dos tempos. Lisboa. INIC.

Caldas, E. (1998) – A agricultura na História de Portugal. Empresa de Publicações Nacionais, Lda, Lisboa.

Cavaco, C. (1992) – Portugal rural. Da tradição ao moderno. Lisboa. Ministério da Agricultura.

CMB (2003) – Gentes , Usos e Costumes. Câmara Municipal de Bragança.

GPP (2012) – Portugal Rural : territórios e dinâmicas. MADRP.

INIAP (2004) – Recursos Genéticos Animais em Portugal. Relatório Nacional. Oeiras.

Spedding, C.R.W. (1982) – Sistemas Agrarios. Zaragoza: Editorial Acribia.

Trigueiro, J.; Abreu, J.; Silva, D. (2005) – Conceitos e Práticas em Modernas Explorações Agrícolas. SPI.

Villalobos, F.; Mateos, L.; Orgaz, F.; Ferreres, E. (2002) – Fitotecnia: bases y tecnologias de la producción agricola. Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa.

Vinas, I.; Recasens, I.; Usall, J; Graell, J. (2013) – Poscosecha de pera, manzana y melocotón. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.