Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
In theory classes the expository method. In the pratical classes the students will be encouraged to do independent research and the students will resolve practical papers.
Learning Results
Understand the theoretical and practical concepts of cartography, topography and geographic information systems. Understand other means used in acquisition, analysis, representation and management of spatial data.
1-Introduction to geodetic basic definition. Coordinates Systems.
2-Notions of topographic support. Rectangular plane coordinates. Measurement, of horizontal and vertical angles. Theodolite, Distance measurement, electronic distance measurement, Use of total station. Leveling: trigonometric leveling and direct leveling.
3- Introdution to Positioning Systems and Satellite Navigation.
4-Introdution to Remote Sensing
5 – Geographic Information Systems. Models of spatial vector and raster data. Data editing and coordinate conversion between different systems in GIS. Creating maps. Introduction to spatial analysis.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exame - 30.0%
- - Trabalho Prático - 70.0%
Bolstad, Paul (2003). Geographic Information Systems. White Bear Lake. Eider Press.
Uren J. , Price B. (2010). Surveying for Engineers, Fifth Edition, Palgrave.
Price, Maribeth. (2009). Mastering ArcGIS with CD Videoclips (4ª ed.). McGraw Hill Science.