Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Within the scope of this subject, theoretical and practical classes are foreseen. Contents will be exposed in a dynamic and interactive way, facilitating students’ participation in the debate of marketing-related definitions. The analysis of case studies in class also aims to reinforce the theoretical and practical component of the subject, allowing a better understanding of the contents and the stimulation of students’ critical perspective.
Assessment is divided into two models: continuous assessment and final assessment. In the continuous assessment, an individual written test (60%) and a project/group work (30%) are planned. Participation by students, involving exercises during classes, will also be considered (10%). In turn, in the Exam model, the assessment will include a written test (100%).
Learning Results
– Identifying the marketing planning objectives and contextualizing the main steps in terms of methodology;
– Recognizing the various tourism promotion policies undertaken not only by privaye entities but also by central, regional and local public institutions of national tourism;
– Identifying the various tourism promotion policies undertaken by private institutions;
– Providing students with specific training to enable them to acquire skills in the area of Tourism Marketing;
– Developing students’ capacity of self-motivation, self-achievement and autonomy in the accomplishment of tasks they are responsible for, particularly in terms of research, analysis and use of knowledge;
– Preparing students for future practical situations, namely the development of studies and projects in tourism marketing.
1. The concept of Marketing
1.1 Definitions
2. Tourism Marketing
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Features of tourism marketing
2.3 Planning of tourism marketing
3. The Market
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Types of Market
3.3 Research
3.4 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
4. Digital Marketing: its importance in Tourism Industry
4.1 New technologies in marketing
4.2 Communicating through digital marketing
5. The variables of Marketing-mix
5.1 The Product
5.1.1 Definitions
5.1.2 Characteristics of tourism products
5.1.3 The life cycle of the product
5.1.4 Acting on the product
5.2 The price
5.2.1 Definitions
5.2.2 The structure of costs
5.2.2 The differentiation of price in tourism
5.3 The Place
5.3.1 Definitions
5.3.2 The distribution channels
5.4 The promotion
5.4.1 Definitions
5.4.2 The stages of market communication development
6. Features of Tourism Destination Marketing
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 60.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
KASTENHOLZ, E. (2006). O Marketing de Destinos Turísticos – O seu significado e potencial, ilustrado para um Destino Rural. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 6, 31-44.
KOTLER, P., BOWEN, J., MAKENS, J., & BALOGLU, S. (2017). Marketing for Hospitality and tourism (7 ed.). Pearson.
KOTLER, P., KARTAJAYA, H., & SETIAWAN, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0 – Mudança do Tradicional para o Digital. Lisboa: Atual.
KOTLER, P., KELLER, K., BRADY, M., GOODMAN, M., & HANSEN, T. (2009). Marketing Management. England: Pearson Education Limited.
MIDDLETON, V., FYALL, A., MORGAN, M., & RANCHHOD, A. (2009). Marketing in Travel and Tourism (4 ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
SARMENTO, E., ABRANJA, N., & CARVALHO, R. (2022). Plano de Marketing e Marketing Digital na Hotelaria e no Turismo. Lidel.