Base Knowledge
Non applicable
Teaching Methodologies
The subjects to be taught will be implemented using a theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical classes, in order to stimulate the debate, the research of themes and the presentation of different case studies, that should be analysed and contextualized. Good practices are also valued as examples to analyse.
Learning Results
1. Understanding the importance and valueof local resources in destination management;
2. Identifying the strategies to develop creative and innovative experiences in destinations;
3. Developing students’ capacity of self-achievement and autonomy in the accomplishment of tasks they are responsible for, particularly in terms of research, analysis and use of knowledge;
4. Preparing students for future practical situations, namely the development of products and creative tourism experiences in destinations.
1. Tourism and Creativity: Conceptualization; Identifying key-concepts related to creative tourism;
2. The creative tourism in destination management: Creativity and Tourism in destinations; From cultural tourism to creative tourism – paradigm change; Creative industries;
3. Models of Creative Tourism: Creative tourism in rural and urban context;
4. Benchmarking of Creative Tourism.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Group work - 40.0%
- - Written tests (20% + 30%) - 50.0%
- - Participation and interest in class - 10.0%
- - Written test - 100.0%
FERREIRA, A. (2014). O Turismo como fator de regeneração e desenvolvimento de meios urbanos e rurais: do turismo cultural ao turismo criativo. In C. Costa, F. Brandão, R. Costa & Z. Breda (Eds), Turismo nos Países Lusófonos: Conhecimento, Estratégia e Territórios (pp. 85-99). Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
FUENTES, R., MORENO-GIL, S., GONZÁLEZ, C., & Ritchie, J. (2015). Cuadernos de Turismo, 35, 435-438.
GONÇALVES, J., SEABRA, C., & SILVA, C. (2017). Storytelling no Turismo Cultural: o poder do “Era uma vez. . . ”. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 27/28, 2171-2177.
PINE, J., & GILMORE, J. (1999). The experience economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
RICHARDS, G. (2011). Creativity and Tourism – The State of the Art. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1225-1253.
RICHARDS, G. (2012). Tourism Development Trajetories – From Culture to Creativity? In M. Smith, & G. Richards (Eds), The Handbook of Cultural Tourism (pp. 297-303), London: Routdlege.
RICHARDS, G. (2014). Creativity and tourism in the city. Current Issues in Tourism, 17(2), 119–144.
TAN, S., KUNG, S., & LUH, D. (2013). A model of ‘creative experience’ in creative tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 41, 153–174.