Urban Hydraulics

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

In classes, the exhibition and inquisitive methods are used. During the approach of programmatic issues, practical situations are exposed and critical spirit and understanding are encouraged, with an active participation in classes. Students resolve exercises individually or in groups.

Learning Results

The goal of this unit is to acquire knowledge on planning and management of water supply systems and wastewater and stormwater drainage systems, systems, using simulation models.
Generic skills: application of knowledge and understanding; judgment and decision making; self-learning; teamwork; oral and written communication.
Specific skills: acquiring knowledge and capacity of understanding about the management of water supply systems and wastewater and stormwater drainage systems, including building simulation models, implementing measures to control water losses, control infiltration and increase energy efficiency.


1. Water supply systems (WSS) modeling
Modeling theory
Model construction
Model calibration
Using models in the design of WSS
Using models in the operation of WSS
Linking models to information systems
2. Wastewater and stormwater drainage systems (WSDS) modeling
Modeling theory
Model construction
Model calibration
Using models in the design of WSDS
Using models in the operation of WSDS
Linking models to information systems
3. Water loss control in WSS
Water audits – Water balance and performance indicators
Control of apparent losses
Control of real losses
4. Control of infiltration in sewer systems
Assessment of infiltration
Control of direct infiltration
Control of indirect infiltration
5. Energy efficiency in urban hydraulic infrastructures
Selection of pumping equipment
Use of variable speed pumps
Care to be taken on the infrastructure
Joint optimization of storage capacity

Curricular Unit Teachers




Sá Marques, J., Sousa, J. (2018). Hidráulica urbana: Sistemas de abastecimento de água e de drenagem de águas residuais (4a ed.). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (2004). Manual do utilizador EPANET 2.0 – Simulação hidráulica e de parâmetros de qualidade em sistemas de transporte e distribuição de água. Lisboa. IRAR e LNEC.
Coelho, S., Loureiro, D., Alegre, H. (2006). Modelação e análise de sistemas de abastecimento de água. Lisboa. IRAR e LNEC. Laboratório de Eficiência Energética e Hidráulica em Saneamento (2012). SWMM 5.0 manual do usuário. João Pessoa, Brasil: Universidade Federal da Paraíba.
Alegre, H., Coelho, S., Almeida, M., Vieira, P. (2005). Controlo de perdas de água em sistemas públicos de adução e distribuição. Lisboa. IRAR e LNEC.
EPAL (2017). Controlo ativo de perdas de água. Lisboa. EPAL Technical Editions.
ADENE. (2018). Uso eficiente de energia nos serviços de águas. Lisboa: ERSAR e ADENE. Apontamentos das aulas.