Urban Hydraulics

Base Knowledge

Students should have knowledge about Hydraulics and Applied Hydraulics (water supply systems and storm water systems).

Teaching Methodologies

Expository and inquiry method for explanation of theoretical subjects and resolution of exercises. Execution of a project of a water supply system in groups of 2 or 3 students. Assessment: Final Exam (EF-16 points) and project (P-4 points). The approval means that EF is greater than or equal to 40% of 16 points and P is greater than or equal to 50% of 4 points; The final mark is NF = EF + P.

Learning Results

The goal of this unit is to acquire knowledge on planning and management of water supply systems and wastewater and stormwater drainage systems.
Generic skills: application of knowledge and understanding; judgment and decision making; self-learning; teamwork; oral and written communication.
Specific skills: acquiring knowledge and capacity of understanding in the field of management of the water supply systems and wastewater and stormwater drainage systems.


1. Water distribution network modeling
1.1. Modeling theory
1.2. Models construction
1.3. Models calibration
1.4. Using models in the design of water distribution networks
1.5. Using models in the operation of water distribution networks
1.6. Linking models with Information Systems
2. Geographic Information Systems in the operation of water distribution and wastewater systems
3. Managing the urban water cycle
3.1. Stormwater retention/infiltration systems
3.2. Detention basins for stormwater
3.3. Managing the stormwater quality
4. Water loss control in distribution systems
