Vegetal Physiology

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of Biology contents is recommended.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching-learning process based: 1 -Exposition of the theoretical foundations required for the development of content; 2 – Individual or group work to resolve issues presented by the teacher or by the students formulated; 3 – Execution of laboratory practical work related to the theme; 4 Execution of laboratory practical work related to the theme.

Learning Results

1. Knows the importance of water and its movement in the continuum soil-plant – atmosphere; 2 -Understand the mechanisms involved in the acquisition , circulation and use of mineral elements by plants; 3 -Know the processes used by plants to store light energy into organic compounds of high energy; 4 – Quantifies the active photosynthetic energy and the ability of plants to fix CO2 from the atmosphere; 5 – The mechanism of translocation; 6 – Knows the nature and characteristics of plant hormones and the role in the regulation of plant development; 7 – Know the basic principles of plant organs response to external stimuls; 8 – Knows what the determinants of vegetation distribution on the surface of the Eart.


Module 1

1 – Main functions of water plants; 2 – Water potential and its components; 3 – Movement in soil-water-plant-atmosphere system; 4 – – Physiologyhe of the stomatal; 5 – Structural and environmental factors that affect transpiration rate; 6 – Basic principles of mineral nutrition of plants; 7 – Structural and metabolic functions of the major nutrients.

Module 2

1 – Structure of the photosynthetic system; 2 -Photochemical reactions of photosynthesis; 3 -Reduction in photosynthetic carbon dioxide and alternative ways of fixing CO2; 4 – Anatomy of the leaves of C3 plants , C4 , CAM and your metabolism; 5 – Role of photorespiration and respiration; 6 -Synthesis and regulation of photoassimilate; 7 – Major regulatory substances and their physiological effects on plant development; 8 – Effect of hormonal control in the germination of seeds and latency , senescence , abscission and home plants.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Continua
  • - Módulo 1 - Peso 35% - Teste escrito - 75.0%
  • - Módulo 1 - desempenho aulas laboratoriais e a qualidade dos relatórios - 25.0%
Avaliação Continua
  • - Avaliação desempenho nas aulas laboratoriais e a qualidade dos relatórios - 20.0%
  • - Avaliação do trabalho apresentado e discutido - 20.0%
  • - Modulo 2 - Peso 65% - teste escrito - 60.0%
Avaliação por exame
  • - Exame - 100.0%




Astro, P.; Kluge, R.; Peres, L. – Manual de Fisiologia Vegetal. Editora Agronómica Ceres. 2015.

 Azcon-Bieto, J.; Talon, M. – Fisiologia y Bioquimica Vegetal. Nova lorque. Interamericana, McGraw Hill. 2013.

 FerriI, M. – Fisiologia Vegetal. São Paulo. EDUSP, 2016.

 Martinez, F. G. – Elementos de Fisiologia Vegetal. Madrid. Ed. Mundi, Prensa. 2015.

 Salisbury, F.; Ross, C. – Plant Physiology (5.ª ed.). California. Wadsworth Pub. Comp, 2015.

Taiz, L.; Zeiger, E. – Plant Physiology (4.ª ed.). Sunderland. Sinauer Associates, 2020.