Vestibulogy II

Base Knowledge

The student must know and understand the anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system (peripheral and central);

The student must know audio-vestibular pathology.

The student must have the knowledge acquired in the Vestibulogy I course.


Teaching Methodologies

Lectures and small group work in the classroom.

Learning Results

  1. To acquire basic knowledge to perform and interpret the different tests of the study of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, as well as the clinical importance of each one of them;
  2. To acquire basic knowledge to perform and interpret the different tests of the study of otolithic organs;
  3. To acquire basic knowledge to perform and interpret the different tests of the study of the vestibulo-spinal reflex;
  4. To acquire knowledge about positional vertigo and its clinical evaluation;
  5. To know how to relate the different tests studied to the topographical localization of vestibular system impairment;
  6. To understand the problem of vertigo in children and its vestibular study.


2 hours:Review of the tests carried out at the videonystagmography (VNG), namely the rotational and caloric tests;

6 hours:
Study of vídeo Head Impulse Test (vHIT/HIMP) and Supression Head Impulse (SHIMP);
Clinical relationship between caloric tests, vHIT, and SHIMP;

6 hours:
Otolithic tests:
Vertical subjective,
Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potencials (VEMPs): cervical e ocular (cVEMP e oVEMP);

2 hours:
Biomechanics and physiology of Balance:
Biomechanics components,
Sensory components,
Motor components;

2 hours:
Computerized dynamic Posturography:
Sensory organization test,
Motor control test,
Adaptative test;

4 hours:
Study of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): pathophysiology, clinical history and detection maneuvers;

4 hours:
Association of all exams for the study of peripheral causes of vertigo vs. vertigo from central causes;
Clinical Cases;

2 hours:
Vertigo in Children;

2 hours: Written evaluation.

Practical lessons follow the material in the theoretical/practical lessons (30 hours for each practical unit).

Curricular Unit Teachers





Bronstein, A. M. e Lempert, T. Dizziness: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management. Cambridge University Press. 2017

Herdman, S.J. Reabilitação Vestibular. segunda edição. Manole.2002.

Jacobson, G. P. Newman, C. W. Kartush, J. M. Handbook of Balance Function Testing. Thomson. Australia. 1997.

Jacobson, G. P. Shepard, N. T. Balance Function Assessment and Management. Plural Publishing. San Diego. 2016.


Crowson, MG., Garrison, D., Riska, KM., Tucci, DL. e Kaylie, D. Vestibular Testing Interpretation. Plural Publishing. 2020

Herdman, S.J. Vestibular Rehabilitation. quarta edição. F. A. Davis Company. Philadelphia. 2014.

Jacobson, G. P. Shepard, N. T. Balance Function Assessment and Management. Plural Publishing. San Diego. 2021.