Vocal Practice III

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methods aplied are mainly practical with exception in some expositive syllabus. The methods will also provide auto and hetero criticism. Collective and individual exercises will be developed to obtain relaxation, breathing, placement and voice projection technics. Autonomy in preparation do voice utilization will be promoted.
Work on dramatic texts and solo singing solo will be promoted.
Given the predominantly practical characteristics of the discipline, the objectives and acquisitions will only be available through the practical performance of the activities proposed and the presence in classroom is compulsory with 75% presences (art. 2 nº3 Academic Regulament).
The evaluation will be continuous, focusing on the following parameters and weights:
Continuouse evaluation 15%
Vocal technique (placement and timbre) Diction – 15%
Interpretation (spoken voice-poetic text) – 35%
Interpretation (singing voice) – 35%
Exame: The student will have to obtain 10 values out of 20 in the Exam

Learning Results

1. To develop the autonomy in the use of correct forms of vocal preparation
2. To develop the proper use of the voice techniques to the work as an actor in different situations
3. To develop and refine a good interpretive and creative attitude in the use of voice
4. To develop the vocal expressiveness
5. To promote autonomy at vocal work, spoken and sung
6. To promote attitudes of self and constructive hetero-criticism.


1. Vocal Techniques – development
2. Sound Production – the development of vocal range
3. The spoken text – development of vocal techniques for spoken voice
3.1. The interpretation of radiofonic theater
4. The singing – development of techniques for the vocals singing voice
4.1. The vocal colour-tone in singing
4.2. The tuning
4.3. The interpretation in musical acting

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Vocal Interpretation (Singuing - 35%) (Spoken - 35%) - 70.0%
  • - Vocal Technique - 15.0%
  • - Diction - 15.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Aleixo, F. (2010). Reflexões sobre Aspectos Pedagógicos Relacionados ao Trabalho Vocal do ator. Revista Moringa:Teatro e Dança, v. 1, n. 1, jan.-jun: 103-116
Behlau, M. (2004) Voz: O Livro de Especialista. 2 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Revinter.
Castarède, Marie-France. (1998) A Voz e os seus sortilégios. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
Malmberg, Bertil. A Fonética: no mundo dos sons e da linguagem. Lisboa: Ed. Livros do Brasil
Marchesan, I.Q. (2005).Fundamentos em Fonoaudiologia. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan S.A.
Martins, M.ª R.D. (1992) Ouvir Falar: Introdução à Fonética do Português. (2.ª ed.) Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
McCallion, M. (1988). The Voice Book. London: Faber and Faber Limited.
Monteiro, G. (2003). O Professor: o corpo e a voz. Porto: Edições ASA.
Quinteiro, E.A.(1989) Estética da Voz: uma voz para o ator. São Paulo: Summus.
Sadolin, C. (2012). Complete Vocal Technique. e-book in www.completevocalinstitute.com