Wastewater Analysis and Treatment

Learning Results

1. Recognize and justify the importance of wastewater treatment.
2. Know the quantitative and qualitative characterization of wastewater, the different analytical applied methods, and the applicable legal requirements.
3. Know the operations and processes associated with a wastewater treatment plant.
4. Explain the principles of operation of the main elements of a wastewater treatment plant.
5. Know the parameters and design criteria and integrate them in the design of the elements covered.
6. Explain the principles of operation of the different types of biological treatment, the main parameters (physical-chemical and operational) which characterize and influence their operation and the main interventions of operation and maintenance.
7. Know the tertiary treatment and the valorization of treated wastewater.
8. Know the treatment and valorization of sludge.


Potential environmental impacts of inadequate wastewater discharge.
2. Applicable legal framework associated to wastewater and its valorization.
3. Most relevant microbiological and physical-chemical characteristics and methods of analysis.
4. Wastewater treatment and scheme of a wastewater treatment plant – operations and unit processes.
5. Preliminary and primary treatment: screening, equalization, de-sanding, flotation and primary sedimentation.
6. Secondary treatment. Aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic matter. Biological treatment systems: fixed and suspended biomass systems, fixed biomass in moving bed, membranes and lagooning. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Secondary sedimentation. Installation of a pilot reactor to characterize the process, with determination of operational, physical-chemical, and microbiological parameters.
7. Tertiary treatment: disinfection and ultraviolet. Wastewater characteristics according to its final disposal.
8. Sludge treatment: thickening, dehydration, anaerobic digestion, composting and final disposal. Sludge valorization and its fertilizing value.

Curricular Unit Teachers




WEF, 2021. Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals I: Liquid Treatment, Water Environment Federation US, ISBN-10:1572783508, ISBN-13:978-1572783508
WEF, 2021. Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals II: Solids Handling and Support Systems. Water Environment Federation, US, ISBN-10 ‏ :1572783613, ISBN-13 978-1572783614
Metcalf & Eddy, 2013. Wastewater Engineering- Treatment and Reuse, 5ª Ed., McGraw Hill.
Marecos do Monte, H., Santos, M. T., Barreiros, A. M., 2018. Tratamento de Águas Residuais – Processos de Tratamento Biológico, Série Cursos Técnicos CT6, ERSAR, Lisboa.
Fonseca, M. M., Teixeira, J., 2007. Reatores Biológicos- Fundamentos e Aplicações, 1ª ed., Lidel, edições técnicas, Lda., Lisboa.
Gray, N. F., 2004. Biology of Wastewater Treatment. In: J. N. B. Bell (Ed.) Series on Environment Science and Management, 2ª ed., Imperial College Press.
WEF&ASCE, 1992. Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants – MOP 8.
Loehr, R.C., 1985. Pollution Control for Agriculture Academic Press, Inc.London.
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