Water Quality Management I

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methods will be based on theoretical-practical explanation through oral presentation with the support of audiovisual means, practical application with exercises and simulated practice.
Theoretical-practical evaluation – 60%
Practical evaluation (works and exercises in class) – 40%
Minimum grades of 9.5 in each of the matrices
Exam assessment according to academic regulations

Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of:
Origins of water and knowing its means of protection and surveillance;
Characteristics of surface and underground water masses and understand their interaction; Types of water
pollution and health and environmental risks;
The student must acquire skills to:
Recognize, characterize and assess the quality and quantity of water for human consumption;
Identify and characterize the main water-related diseases;
Know the methods of treatment of water for human consumption;
Know the water monitoring systems
The student must acquire competences to:
Implement and execute surveillance and control programs water quality;
Analyze and know how to manage risks in water supply systems;
Draw up a Water Safety Plan for human consumption and meet the quality criteria and draw up surveillance and control programs for natural mineral waters and springs.


Hydrological cycle
Origins of water
Hydrographic basins and availability
Characteristics of surface water bodies
Interaction between surface water and groundwater
Natural water quality
Water pollution
Protection of ground and surface water sources
Protection and surveillance of water sources
Waters with sanitary impact
Origin, characteristics
Waterborne diseases
Water quality surveillance program:
Hygiene-sanitary and technological aspects;
Analytical component;
Water quality control program
Risk analysis and management in water supply systems
Responsibility of supervisory entities
Water treatment methods
Water safety plan for human consumption
Concepts, classification and characteristics
Structural and operating requirements
Water quality criteria
Analytical component

Curricular Unit Teachers




ALVES, Célia (2010) Tratamento de águas de abastecimento. 3ª edição revista e aumentada. Porto: Publindústria, cop. XV, 382 p.: il.; 25 cm. ISBN: 978-972-8953-46-1
ALVES, Maria Helena (2013). A Monitorização das águas superficiais interiores no contexto da diretiva quadro da água. Indústria e ambiente. – P. 8-10. – ISSN 1645-1783. – Nº 79 março/abril 2013)
BRITO, António Guerreiro de; OLIVEIRA, José Maria; PEIXOTO, João Monteiro (2014) Tratamento de água: para consumo humano e uso industrial: elementos teórico-práticos. 2ª ed., atualiz. e ampl. Porto: ISBN: 978-989-98896-0-6
FERREIRA, J. P. Lobo et al. (2009) Proteção das origens superficiais e subterrâneas nos sistemas de abastecimento de água. Lisboa. Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil: Instituto Regulador de Águas e Resíduos. (Série Guias Técnicos; 11). ISBN: 972-99354-3-2
HIPÓLITO, João Nuno de Almeida Reis; VAZ, Álvaro Carmo (2013). Hidrologia e recursos hídricos. 2ª edição. Lisboa: IST ISBN: 978-972-8469-86-3