Water, Waste and Wastewater Management in the Food Industry

Base Knowledge

Food chemistry; Food microbiology; General food processing; Unit operations

Teaching Methodologies

The classes are supported by notes and documentation provided by the teacher and are taught using various methodological techniques, including oral presentation of content, practical exercises, discussion of case studies, preparation and oral presentation of papers and study visits. Working groups will be constituted to develop solutions to typical questions. These groups will follow the food processing activities in the technological workshops of ESAC and will develop work on water, energy and waste management concerning these activities.

Learning Results

To provide theoretical and practical knowledge on systems for water treatment and effluent disposal on food industries and catering services. Particular attention is given to water, energy and waste management systems.


1.Water uses in the main sectors of the food industry;

2. Water catchment, treatment and distribution systems;

3.Poluent materials related to the food industry and legislation;

4.Residue treatment processes and quality parameters of treated residues;

5.Treatment systems and environmental protection;

6.Water, energy, residue and effluent management systems;

7.Case studies of particular food industries.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Trabalho de grupo e apresentação oral - 30.0%
  • - Teste escrito de avaliação - 70.0%
  • - Exame escrito - 100.0%




Waste treatment in the food processing industry. Edited by Lawrence K. Wang et al. CRC / Taylor & Francis. 2006.

Mackenzie l. Davis & David A. Cornwell, introduction to environmental engineering, mcgraw hill international edition, 4th ed, 2008

Gary Laustsen. Reduce-recycle-reuse: guidelines for promoting perioperative waste management. AORN Journal, April, 2007

Handbook of waste management and co-product recovery in food processing (Vol. 1). Edited by K Waldron, Institute of Food Research, UK. ISBN 1 84569 025 7. [ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 025 0]. March 2007

Robert R. Zall. Managing Food Industry Waste. ISBN: 9780813806310. ISBN10: 0813806313. Set 2004.

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. Best Available Techniques in the Food, Drink and Milk Industries. August 2006. European Commission.

Alloway, B.J. & Ayres, D.C. Chemical principles of environmental pollution. Blackie Academic & Professional, 1993.


Notes and other documentation provided by teachers.