Web Technologies

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures. All the support elements to theoretical classes are available to students.

The practical classes are based on practical worksheets, one  per class.  Students have to progressively apply a set of  new features of the different technologies.


Learning Results

The main objective of this course unit is to explore some of the technologies used in the implementation of web development, namely a set of technologies focused on Front End Web Development.


Main Skills:

        Knowledge of some of the main technologies applied in the implementation of web applications (front end development).

       Implementation of web applications based on the technologies explored during the course.

       Identify the main concepts that support the front end web development.

        Evaluate and justify the main options, conceptual and technological, adopted in the web development.


Theoretical Component:

         I. Web Applications
              I.1. Main Concepts
              I.2. Main Challenges
              I.3. Client-side Technologies

        II. Development Layer:  Structure
             II.1. HTML 
             II.2. HTML Optimization

        III. Development Layer: Presentation
             III.1. CSS3
             III.2. SASS

         IV. Development Layer: Behaviour
             IV.1. Javascript
             IV.2. DOM

Practical Component:

         I. HTML
         II. CSS
         III. JavaScript

Curricular Unit Teachers




Eric A. Meyer & Estelle Weil (2023). CSS the Definitive Guide, ISBN: 978-1-098-11761-0,  O’Reilly. (ISEC: 1A -12-214)

Flanagan, D. (2020) JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 7th Edition, ISBN: 9781491952023, O’Reilly Media, Inc. (ISEC: 1A-12-177)

GORDON, Z. (2020). Javascript explained : step-by-step guide to the most common and reliable JS techniques, ISBN 979-8-623901-41-5, Houston, OSTraining. (ISEC: 1A -12-172)

Svekis L., et. al. (2021) JavaScript from Beginner to Professional: Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages, ISBN:978-1800562523, PacktPublishing, (ISEC: 1A-12-220)