Base Knowledge
não aplicável
Teaching Methodologies
Since this is a practical subject, the teaching method will first include a brief theoretical introduction to the topics covered. In a second step, projects and activities will be proposed to be carried out throughout the course, culminating in “products” created by groups of students. Character classes will be developed: a) theoretical-practical analysis and discussion of cases b) practical application of skills in a project Students must choose a method of assessment: 1. Frequency – Includes assessment times: (a) Group work (60% of assessment). Each group performs a project analyzing an organization’s communication systems. (b) 2 individual practical assignments with topics on professional areas in CO, provided by the teacher (40% of the assessment). 2. Exam – Integrates 3 assessment elements. (a) 2 practical assignments with topics on professional areas in CO (40%) (b) 1 research paper on a new area in CO (60%).
Learning Results
The curricular unit is mainly practical and aims to develop competencies focused on the knowledge of the specifics of the activity in organizational communication (OC). It also aims to support the creation of projects, activities and products related to the professional field OC. The following competencies are developed: Knowledge of OC professional activities; Knowledge of market opportunities; Knowledge of professional experiences; Knowledge of national and international organizations in OC. Learning objectives: (no1) know the dynamics of the professional activity in CO, namely in the fields of PR, marketing communications, human resources, consulting, advisory and corporate communications; (no2) develop projects, activities and products related to the professional OC field; (no3) stimulate the growth of a professional attitude consistent with the professional principles of OC.
I – Understanding of OC in the context of the labor market 1. The professions, the carriers, and the diverse activities in the labor markets 2. The specific field of activity of OC professionals II – Professional activities in OC 1. Marketing communication professionals i. The role of marketing in the strategy of organizations ii. Professional fields in marketing iii. Basic content for understanding marketing 2.Public relations professionals (PR) i. The PR in the strategy of organizations ii. The PR professional profile iii. Understanding and integrating the PR profession in an organization 3. Internal communications (IC) and human resources (HR) professionals i. The importance of IC ii. The tasks, techniques, and practices in IC iii. The IC professional profile iv. The articulation: IC-HR manager v. The OC professional and the HR professional: building bridges III – case studies in OC 1. Organizations, projects, professional experiences, and interventions 2. The OC actual professions.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Research paper on a new area in CO - 60.0%
- - Written test - 20.0%
- - Practical assignment with topics on professional areas in CO - 20.0%
- - Written test - 20.0%
- - Individual practical assignment with topics on professional areas in CO, provided by the teacher - 20.0%
- - Group work - 60.0%
Fitzpatrick, L., Valskov, K. & Mounter, P. (2021). Internal Communication: a manual for practitioners. Kogan Page
Gonçalves, G., Oliveira, E. & Padamo, C. (2015). Relações Públicas e Comunicação Organizacional, desafios da globalização. Lisboa: Escolar Editora
Kotler, P., Keller , K., (2019). Marketing Management: European Edition. Pearson Kotler, Philip (2021). Marketing 5.0 – Tecnologia para a Humanidade. Actual Editora
Kunsch, M. (2016). Comunicação Organizacional Estratégica: aportes conceituais e aplicados (ebook). São Paulo: Summus Editorial
Lindon, D., Lendrevie, J., Lévy, J., Dionísio, P., & Rodrigues, J. V., (2021). Mercator XXI 25 anos (atualizado): O Marketing na Era Digital – Teoria e Prática do Marketing (18a ed.), Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.
Ruck, K. (2019). Exploring Internal Communication: towards informed employee voice. 4. ed. Routledge