Workshop: Marketing Communication

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies


– Attendance: The course contents are developed through analysis and discussion of themes contained in prograrm and case studies;

– Autonomous: Developing a practical continuation of the theme stated at the beginning of the school year and presented orally in the form of a written report.


– 1 a team group work-45% (minimum 9.5)

– An individual event – 40% (minimum score 7.5).

.- Participation in class: 15% (minimum score: 9,5)


– 1 individual final test (50%) (minimum score of 7.5)

– 1 group work (50%)(minimum score: 9,5).  With a oral presentation on the date set by the schedule of examinations ESEC. This work can not be submitted for assessment, without prior discussion with the teacher thee week before de exam date.

Learning Results

Framing the marketing communication within the integrated communication of organizations

Understanding the different communication stratégies and tactics inherent in marketing

Conceive, organize and evaluate a communication strategy to support marketing action


1. From Strategic Organizational Communication to Marketing Communication

2. Specific marketing communication techniques.

3. New trends of marketing communcations

4. Communication planning within the marketing framework

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 15.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 45.0%
  • - Frequency - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%




– Baptista, D. & Costa, P. (2021). Marketing Digital: Conteúdos Vencedores.

– Falkheimer, J. & Heide, M. (2018). Strategic communication. London: Routledge.

– Finne A., Grönroos C. (2017). Communication-in-use: customer-integrated marketing communication. European Journal of Marketing,  (51) 3. 

– Lendrevie, J.; et al. (2018). Mercator. Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote.

– Kapferer, J.N. (1994). Marcas: Capital da Empresa. Lisboa: Edições CETOP.

– Kotler, P. ; Kartajaya, H. ; Setiwan, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0 : Mudança do Paradigma Tradicional para o digital. Coimbra : Actual.

– Kotler, P. ; Kartajaya, H. ; Setiwan, I. (2021). Marketing 5.0 . Coimbra : Actual.

– Túñez, M. (2012). La Gestion da comunicación em las organizaciones. Zamora: Ediciones Y Publicaciones Comunicación social.

– Sweetser, K. D.,  Ahn, G., Golan J., & Hochman, A. (2016). Native Advertising as a New Public Relations Tactic. American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 60(12) 1442–1457