Analysis of Motor Behavior

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The subjects related to this curricular unit will be lectured in theoretical lessons, where fundamental concepts
and the subject’s state of the art are presented. Theoretical sessions are complemented with practical research
in bibliographic databases and its posterior discussion in class context. Students will also be requested to
perform a practical work of observation and assessment of a child’s motor behavior.
To study for this subject, school’s e-learning platform and the referred bibliographic documents shall be used.
This course’s evaluation will be run through an oral evaluation and a work about a topic on a Motor
Development test or scale.

Learning Results

1. To know the learning and motor control variables and to interpret their effects on the acquisition and motor
2. To identify and classify the process and product’s error measuring types.
3. To know motor behavior instrument types for observation and analysis.
4. To know the protocols of some motor development tests, batteries and scales (KTK, TGMD, PDMS, …)
1. To identify, understand and interpret the influence of several variables on learning and motor control in the
acquisition, retention and transfer of motor learning.
2. To identify, understand and to be able to correctly apply different process and product’s error measuring
types to assess motor behaviors, accordingly with the selected instruments to observate and analyze.
3. To identify and to be able to follow the correct protocols for otor development tests, batteries and scales


1. The effect of variables on learning acquisition and motor learning.
2. Process and product’s measures (variable error, constant and absolute).
3. Observation instruments, assessment and analysis referred to standards, criteria, and geared product
4. Assessment techniques: naturalistic observation techniques and behavior measurement, motor
development tests and scales: AHEMD-SR (Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development)
TGMD-II (Test of Gross Motor Development), KTK (Kinder Test Kordinattion ), Peabody Developmental Motor
Scales-2 (PDMS-2) and M-ABC (Movement Assessment Battery for Children).

Grading Methods

  • - This course’s evaluation will be run through an oral evaluation and a work about a topic on a Motor Development test or scale. - 100.0%




Mendes R & Fonseca P (2008). Coordenação motora em crianças do 1º CEB: Relação entre as baterias de
testes motores KTK e M-ABC. Estudos do Desenvolvimento da Criança: Rio Maior: ESDRM
Neto, C. et al. (1990). Desenvolvimento e adaptação motora: colectânea de textos. Lisboa: UTL/FMH.
Neto, C. et al. (1982). Análise do comportamento motor: estudos de motricidade infantil. Lisboa: UTL/FMH.
Rodrigues, Luis & Gabbard, Carl (2009). Assessing motor affordances in the home environment. Saarbrucken:
VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
Ruiz peres, L. (1994). Deporte y aprendizaje: procesos de aquisición y desarrollo de habilidades. Madrid: Visor.