Applied Microbiology

Base Knowledge

Biology/General Microbiology 

Teaching Methodologies

Essentially expository method, using audiovisual means, in order to address theoretical notions and an active and demonstrative method, with practical work with reports, preparation and oral presentation of posters, with a view to microbiological application to concrete cases at the laboratory scale. 

Learning Results

The Biotechnology student should be able to relate the origin, incidence, growth and control of microorganisms with substrate transformation, production, conservation and microbiological safety of various products. It is intended that it will be able to perform functions related to the control of microbiological quality and the development of methodologies, based on microbiology, to obtain new products (or optimization of the production of existing ones) in the food, pharmaceutical and clinical, dietetic, environmental areas etc.


Fundamental concepts: culture media for industrial use; sources of microorganisms of interest, desirable characteristics, isolation, selection and improvement of strains; Modes of operation of bioprocesses, according to the characteristics of the microorganisms and the purpose of the fermentation process in question; Pasteur and Crabtree effect; Sterilization of fermentation equipment and media: thermal destruction kinetics; Virology: basic properties, structure and classification; Virus-cell interaction; Replication; Applications: production of antibiotics, vaccines, fermented foods and bioremediation. Quantification and typification of microorganisms; Virological tests in the clinical microbiology laboratory; Prevention and combat of viral infections; Execution of cryopreservation of microorganisms; Isolation of amylase-producing microorganisms; Mushroom production; Execution of protocols with viruses; Antibiosis assays; Antibiotic Production; Obtaining fermented foods. 

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - (Teste teórico I*30 + Relatórios Práticos*20 + Teste teórico II*30 + Poster e Apresentação Oral *20)/100 - 100.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Exame - 100.0%




ALEXANDER G.; HIROSHI N. – Microbial Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology.2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN-13: 9780521842105.

PRESCOTT L.; HARLEY J.; KLEIN D. – Microbiology. 6th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. ISBN 0072951753, 9780072951752.

WAGNER, E., et al – Basic Virology. 3rd Edition.Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. ISBN : 9781405147156 WALTER B., et al – Engenharia Bioquímica. In Biotecnologia Industrial. 1ª Edição, SP-Brasil: Editora Edgard Blucher LTDA, 2001. ISBN. 9788521202790. Vol.2

WALTER B., et al – Fundamentos. In Biotecnologia Industrial. 1ª Edição. SP-Brasil: Editora Edgard Blucher LTDA, 2001. ISBN: 9788521202783. Vol.1 WALTER B., et al – Processos Fermentativos e Enzimáticos. In Biotecnologia Industrial. 1ª Edição, SP – Brasil: Editora Edgard Blucher LTDA, 2001. ISBN:8521202806. Vol.3

WALTER, B., et al – Biotecnologia na Produção de Alimentos. In Biotecnologia Industrial. 1ª Edição, SP-Brasil: Editora Edgard Blucher LTDA, 2001. ISBN: 9788521202813. Vol.4