Audio / Radio Direction and Post-Production Workshop

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Given the oficinal character of the curricular unit, it will mainly be used the active method. Modalities of evaluation: Continuous evaluation: Delivery of three audio pieces, mostly performed in class, which will account for 100% of the final grade. 2. Assessment by final exam: Realization/editing of an audio piece, with a minimum of seven minutes, which will correspond to 100% of the final grade.

Learning Results

It is intended that, in the end, students will be able to perform and produce an audio piece for the radio universe.


1. Introduction – The sound universe

2. Pre-production – The audio dimension in radio

3. Realization – Sound capture and recording

4. Post-production – Editing

5. Conclusion – Critical listening

Grading Methods

  • - Realization/editing of an audio piece, with a minimum of seven minutes - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Delivery of three audio pieces, mostly performed in class - 100.0%




Arnheim, A. (1980). Estética radiofónica. Gustavo Gili.
Corey, J. (2013). Audio Production and Critical Listening: Technical Ear. Focal Press.

Crook, T. (2002). Radio Drama. Routledge.
Crook, T. (2012). The sound handbook. Routledge.
Dowsett, P. (2016).  Audio production tips: getting the sound right at the scource. Focal Press.
Marques, M. P. (2014). Sistemas e técnicas de produção áudio. FCA Editora.
Mcleish, R. (2010). Produção de rádio: um guia abrangente de produção radiofónica. Summus Editorial.
Ong, W. (1982). Orality and literacy – the technologizing of the world. Methuen.

Prado, M. (2006). Produção de rádio: um manual prático. Elsevier.
Reis, A. I. (2015). O áudio nas cibernotícias das rádios. Média XXI.

Rose, J. (2015). Producing great sound for film and vídeo: expert tips from preproduction to final mix. Focal Press.