
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

i) Analysis, interpretation and discussion of documents that contribute to the understanding of fundamentals and principles of bioethics;

ii) Exploration of themes and real problems followed by discussion, reflection and sharing, stimulating critical attitudes in the classroom;

iii) Preparation of a document with proposals of current situations relevant to the educational context (40%) followed by presentation and debate in class (40%).

In the frequency evaluation, individual performance is considered – attendance, punctuality, participation, and motivation (20%). The structure and organization of information, adequacy to the objectives of the work, language used, quality and correctness of scientific information and well-founded critical attitude will be valued in the document. Evaluation by exam (100%) – written and/or oral test.

Learning Results

Understand biological and ethical fundamentals and principles related to bioethics.

Recognize the personal, social, economic and political dimensions of bioethics in the current debate on the beginning of life, the life path, and the end of life.

Establish environmental – animal – populational bioethics interactions.

Reflect on current problems of contemporary societies, arising from advances in science, biotechnology, within the framework of human rights.

Recognize new challenges in science and technology that require changing values and behaviors and making responsible and committed decisions.


Bioethics – fundamentals and principles.

Bioethics and the human being.

Bioethics and nature.

Bioethics, citizenship and human rights.

Bioethics and education.

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Individual performance - 20.0%
  • - Presentation and debate in class - 40.0%
  • - Preparation of a document with proposals of current situations relevant to the ducational context - 40.0%




Archer, L., Biscaia, J., Osswald, W. (coord) (1996). Bioética. Editorial Verbo.

Archer, L., Biscaia, J., Renaud, M., Osswald, W. (coord) (2001). Novos Desafios à Bioética. Porto Editora.

Patrão Neves, M. e Osswald, W. (2007). Bioética Simples. Editorial Verbo.

Pessini, L. e Barchifontaine, C. (orgs) (2006) Bioética e Longevidade Humana. Edições Loyola.

Renk, V.E. (org) (2020). Educação e Bioética: olhares plurais. Editora CRV.