Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Learning Results

To present the general problems in entrepreneurship and innovation in the light of: a) economic factor of
development; and b) management activity of strategic nature.
Draw the attention of students to entrepreneurship, underlining the conditions for start-ups to succeed, namely
regarding the planning of the new business and products, preparing the business plan, the funding options and
the future management.
Skills to be acquired:
To understand the innovation process and the multiplicity of factors determining it;
To make the Business Plan for a new firm in the area of information technology and communications;


What is innovation.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Creativity and ideas generation.
The Business Plan.
Funding a new business.
Managing the new business.




• Hisrich, R.D., Peters, M. P. and Shepherd, D. A. (2005), Entrepreneurship, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
• Etzkowitz, H. (2008) The Triple Helix: University – Industry – Government Innovation in action, Routledge, New
• Bhidé, A.V. (2000), The Origin and Evolution of New Business, Oxford University Press.
• Tidd, J., Bessant, J. e Pavitt, K. (2003), Gestão da Inovação – Integração das mudanças tecnológicas, de
mercado e organizacionais, Monitor, Lisboa.
• Drucker, P. (1997), Inovação e Gestão, 4ª Edição, Editorial Presença, Lisboa.
• Marques, J. P. C. (1998), A Cooperação Universidade-Indústria e a Inovação Científica e Tecnológica: O Caso
da Universidade de Coimbra, Editora Almedina, Coimbra.
• Ribault, J-M., Martinet, B. e Lebidois, D. (1995), A Gestão das Tecnologias, 1ª Edição, Publicações Dom Quixote,