Applied Statistics

Base Knowledge

Quantitative Methods.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes are theoretical and practical, according to the curricular plan.

Theoretical component: explanation of the subjects and resolution of illustrative examples.

Practical component: resolution of practical exercises that illustrate and complement the subjects presented in the lectures, under the guidance of the teacher, but encouraging autonomous resolution.

Learning Results

The main objective of this curricular unit is the application of statistical techniques in solving concrete problems in Accounting and Management domains.
It is intended those students:
– Acquire fundamental notions of Statistics and Probabilities, and their applications to Accounting and Management;
– Acquire the ability to analyze and interpret statistical data.


1. Descriptive Statistics
1.1. Data classification
1.2. Frequency tables and graphs
1.3. Measures of : location, dispersion, order and shape
2. Probability
2.1. Probability definition
2.2. Conditional Probability
2.3. Independent events
2.4. Total probability theorem e Bayes’s theorem
3. Random variable
3.1. Random variable definition
3.2. Probability function and distribution function
3.3. Expected value and variance
4. Probability distributions
4.1. Discrete probability distributions
4.2. Continuous probability distributions
5. Sampling distributions
5.1. Central limit theorem
5.2. Theoretical sampling distributions
6. Estimation
6.1. Point Estimation
6.2. One-sample and two-sample confidence intervals
7. Hypothesis Tests
7.1. Introdution
7.2. One-sample and two-sample hypothesis tests
8. Introdution to categorical data analysis
8.1. Univariate data
8.2. Bivariate data

Curricular Unit Teachers





Garcia, R., et al (2017). Que número é este? Um guia sobre estatísticas para jornalistas. Pordata, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. 

Murteira, B. et al (2015). Introdução à Estatística. 3ªEd, Escolar Editora.

Newbold, P., Carlson, W. & Thorne, B. (2022). Statistics for Business and Economics, Global Edition, Pearson Education Limited

Paulino, C.D. e Branco, J. (2005). Exercícios de Probabilidade e Estatística. Escolar Editora.

Pedrosa, A. e Gama, S. (2016). Introdução computacional à Probabilidade e Estatística, 3ª Ed. Porto Editora.

Reis, E. (2008). Estatística descritiva. 7ª Ed, Edições Sílabo.



Anderson, D.R., et al. (2017). Statistics for business and economics,13e.  Cengage Learning.

Curto, J.D. (2016). Estatística: muitas aplicações em Excel e poucas fórmulas. Edição do Autor.

Keller, G. e Gaciu, N. (2020). Statistics for management and economics. 2e. Cengage Learning EMEA.