Financial Accounting II

Base Knowledge

Knowledge acquired in the Financial Accounting discipline I.

Teaching Methodologies

As theoretical-practical classes and given the nature of the curricular unit, the sessions consist of the lecturer’s exposition of the themes, followed by the resolution of practical questions and the placement of questions by the students, aiming at the operationalization of the concepts and the acquisition of theoretical and methodological skills.
The teaching methods adopted allow the pursuit of previously defined objectives.

Learning Results

(1) Deepen the general knowledge introduced in the Financial Accounting I curricular unit throughout the 1st semester of the academic year, namely the accounting treatment of a set of operations related to the current and non-current aspect of companies and highlight those that, given its specificity, require a greater knowledge of the fundamentals of Accounting.
(2) Understand the construction of the summary Financial Statements, Balance Sheet and Income Statement by Nature, and the Basic Assumptions embodied in the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles that inform them, so that they show, “in a true and appropriate way”, the equity, financial situation and changes resulting from the activity of a given year.
(3) Prioritize the treatment associated with the theoretical issues that frame it, without forgetting the legal and fiscal aspects that are associated with the matters developed.


Chapter 1 – Tangible Fixed Assets
initial measurement
Fixed Asset Depreciation
Fixed Asset Withdrawal
Chapter 2 – Financing obtained
Types of financing
Borrowing costs
Subsidies (on investment)
Chapter 3 – Intangible Assets
initial measurement
Amortization of Intangible Assets
Withdrawal of Intangible Assets
Chapter 4 – Asset impairment
Impairment of financial assets
Impairment in inventories
Impairment of tangible and intangible assets
Chapter 5 – Non-Current Assets Held for Sale
Chapter 6 – Personnel Expenses
monthly remuneration
Holidays and Christmas Allowance
Chapter 7 – Year End Operations
Regularization Operations
Results verification operations
Chapter 8 – Income Taxes
Personal Income Tax (IRS)
Corporate Income Tax (IRC)
accounting recognition
Chapter 9 – Financial Statements
Accountability components
financial statements
Chapter 10 – Sectoral Applications of Accounting
public accounting
bank accounting
Accounting of insurance institutions

Curricular Unit Teachers




Basic Bibliography

–  COSTA, Carlos Baptista da Costa; ALVES, Gabriel Correia (2021). Contabilidade Financeira (10.ª Edição), Rei dos Livros.
– GONÇALVES, Cristina; SANTOS, Dolores; RODRIGO, José; FERNANDES, Sant’Ana (2020): Contabilidade Financeira Explicada, 4ª edição. Ed. Vida Económica.
– Gomes, J.; Pires, J. (2015). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística – Teoria e Prática. Lisboa: Grupo Editorial Vida Económica (5.ª edição).
– Rodrigues, J. (2021). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística: Explicado. Porto: Porto Editora (8.ª edição).
– Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC) aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 98/2015, de 2 de Junho e legislação complementar
– Material disponibilizado pelos docentes
¨Estrutura Conceptual
¨NCRF 1 – Estrutura e conteúdo das demonstrações financeiras
¨NCRF 6 – Ativos intangíveis
¨NCRF 7 – Ativos fixos tangíveis
¨NCRF 8 – Ativos não correntes detidos para venda e unidades operacionais descontinuadas
¨NCRF 9 – Locações
¨NCRF 10 – Custos de Empréstimos
¨NCRF 12 – Imparidade de ativos
¨NCRF 22 – Subsídios e outros apoios das entidades públicas
¨NCRF 25 – Impostos sobre o rendimento
¨NCRF 28 – Benefícios dos empregados
Complementary Bibliography
¨ALFREDSON, Keith; LEO, Ken; PICKER, Rut; PACTER, Paul; RADFORD, Jennie (2019): Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, 4th Edition Wiley.
¨GOMES, João; PIRES, Jorge (2011). Normalização Contabilística para Microentidades. Ed. Vida Económica.
¨KIESO, Donald E.; WEYGANDT, Jerry J.; WARFIELD, Terry D. (2019): Intermediate Accounting, 17th Edition, Wiley.
¨O Material de apoio à disciplina é disponibilizado no Nonio.