Football II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The T contents will be presented in expository sessions and the TP sessions will be essentially focused on the performance of students, as main actors, passing through situations of pedagogical practice.
This CU, eminently practical, has the exclusively continuous assessment modality [100% = 20 values] considering the items:
1. Theoretical tests (40%).
2. Practical evaluations (65%).
3. Presential participation (5%).
Note: for approval, the student must have a minimum of 50% in item 1 and 50% in item 2.
Under point 8 of the 13th article of the Academic Regulations of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the ESE-IPC, the student must comply with the following specific conditions for access to the exam:
1. Have attended at least 50% of classes.
The exam consists of a theoretical (40%) and a practical evaluation (60%).
Note: for approval the student must have a minimum of 50% in both, theoretical and practical.

Learning Results

1. Know the specific principles underlying the Football Training Methodology.
2. Organize learning situations following the Football Training Methodology, using different forms and contexts.
3. Know the aspects associated with the Technical-Tactics component in Football.
4. Plan and organize learning situations, considering the specific principles of the game, using different forms and contexts.
5. Know the specificity of the modality, in the psychological domain, specifically the development and learning in children and young people.
6. Plan and organize activities, taking into account the necessary administrative procedures, within the framework of the Football Association.


1. Football Training Methodology.
1.1. Teaching-learning situations organized in a circuit.
1.2. Reduced forms of play.
1.3. Construction and elaboration of the training session.
2. Technical-Tactics.
2.1. Game factors.
2.2. Football coach.
2.3. Introduction to complex collective actions.
2.4. Goalkeeper skills and techniques.
2.5. Trainer’s notebook.
2.6. Formative player assessment.
3. Psychology applied to Football.
3.1. Trainer as a trainer of people.
3.2. Learning to be a coach: mission and project.
3.3. Training of the trainer’s communication skills.
3.4. Psychology of development and learning of children and young people.
3.5. Coach and footballer motivation.
3.6. Ethics in Sport.
4. Football management and organization.
4.1. Club social function.
4.2. Football roots.
4.3. Organization of administrative activities and procedures.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%




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Castelo, J. (2003). Guia prático de exercícios de treino. Visão e Contextos.
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Castelo, J. (2019). Futebol: periodização, planeamento e programação de métodos de treino (Volume 1). Visão e Contextos.
Castelo, J. (2019). Futebol: periodização, planeamento e programação de métodos de treino (Volume 2). Visão e Contextos.
Clemente, F., Silva, R., & Oliveira, R. (2022). Pequenos jogos para treinar em grande: jogos reduzidos para o treino da AC. Prime Books.
Fonseca, H., & Garganta, J. (2008). Futebol de rua um beco com saída. Omniserviços.
Porcel, D., Silva, R., & Sanchez, M. (2013). Entrenamiento integrado del futbol en edades tempranas. Omniserviços.
Sarmento, H., Anguera, M., Campaniço, J., Pereira, A., & Leitão, J. (2013). Metodologia observacional como método de análise do jogo. UTAD.
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Soares, J. (2008). O treino do futebolista (Volume 1). Porto Editora.
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1. Alves, J., & Paula Brito, A. (2013). Manual de psicologia do desporto para treinadores. Visão e Contextos.
2. Cachulo, E., & Mendes, R. (2019). Guarda-redes de futebol: treino e jogo. Prime Books.
3. Clemente, F., & Mendes, R. (2015). Treinar jogando: jogos reduzidos e condicionados no futebol. Prime Books.
4. Clemente, F., & Silva, R. (2021). Avaliar para treinar: guia prático de avaliação e controlo do treino para o treinador. Prime Books.
5. Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (2020). Referenciais de formação. Componente específica: Futebol. IPDJ.
6. Gama, J., Couceiro, M., Vaz, V., & Dias, G. (2017). Novos métodos para observar e analisar o jogo de futebol. Prime Books.
7. Pinheiro, W., & Santos, F. (2021). ABC do futebol de formação. Omniserviços.
8. Teixeira, E. (2021). Coordenação técnica no futebol de formação. Omniserviços.