Industrial Services and Facilities

Base Knowledge

Basics of thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer and mass/energy balances.
MS-Excel as an intermediate user.

Teaching Methodologies

– Lectures classes to present the concepts, models and procedures of the syllabus, with the support of Powerpoint.

– Problem solving classes, involving the proposal, analysis, formulation and solving of exercises to apply the contents, using MsExcel.

– Case discussion classes, with group work and extended discussion.


Learning Results

It is intended that students identify the main types of industrial facilities and do the basic characterization and selection of equipment and systems used in process industry. It is intended that they acquire concepts and techniques for the management of occupational safety and environmental management services. In general, it is intended to develop autonomous learning skills, applying the knowledge acquired in the resolution of specific problems and in the collection and treatment of information. Relational and communicational skills are also pursued in the presentation and discussion of the work developed.


1. Typology of industrial installations: types; deployments; licensing.

2. Boilers and Thermal Fluids: Characterization of boilers; Thermal Fluids; Steam Networks; Fuels.

3. Cooling: Refrigerating Machines; Cooling towers.

4. Compressed Air: Compressors and air distribution Networks.

5. Environmental Management and Services

5.1 – Air and gaseous effluents: Main gaseous pollutants; Environmental legislation on air and effluents; Treatment of industrial gaseous effluents.

5.2 – Water and liquid effluents: Main pollutants of the water environment; Environmental legislation on water and liquid effluents; Treatment of liquid effluents.

5.3 – Environmental Management Systems: The standard NP EN ISO 14001: 2015.

6. Safety and Occupational health management: Fundamentals of Safety and Health at Work, Chemicals and REACH and CLP Regulations; The standard OHSAS 18001: 2007 / NP 4397: 2008

Curricular Unit Teachers




Juanico, F.M., Instalações Industriais, Principia, 1998
Juanico, F.M., Geradores de Calor, ECEMEI, Porto, 1992
Macintyre, A.J., “Instalações Hidráulicas Prediais e Industriais”, LTC, 3ªEd, 1996
Novais, J., “Ar Comprimido Industrial”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1995.
Miller, Jr, G. Tyler e Spoolman, Scott E. Living in the Environment:Concepts, Connections, and Solutions. Cengage Learning, 2008
Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. Wastewater engineering, Treatment, disposal and reuse. New York: McGraw-Hill 4.ª Ed. 2003
Agência Poruguesa do Ambiente. Relatório do Estado do Ambiente 2016. Lisboa, 2016
European IPPC Bureau. Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment/Menagement Systems in the Chemical Sector. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. Sevilha, 2003.
Norma NP EN ISO 14001:2015
Guimarães Sá, J., Santos, João; de Sousa, Teresa Carvalho e de Sousa, Rita Ribeiro. Guia do Utilizador ISO 14001:2015. APCER 2016.
Miguel, Alberto Sérgio S., Manual de Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho, Porto Editora, Porto, 13ª edição, 2014, ISBN 978-972-0-01896-0
Nunes, F. M. D. Oliveira; Segurança e Higiene do trabalho – Manual Técnico, Edições Cooptécnica, 2ª edição, 2010 ISBN 9728326459
Norma NP 4397:2008. Sistemas de gestão da segurança e saúde do trabalho.
Segurado, Maria Tyssen e Oliveira, Rui. Guia Interpretativo OHSAS 18001:2007 / NP 4397:2008. APCER 2010