Internal Communication in Organizations

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies foreseen will diversified in order to approach the program points in a comprehensive perspective. The program points will be developed using:

i) theoretic-practical sessions, having a expositive initial component, followed by a case-study analisis and problem-solving exercices

ii) practical sessions, where the sudens will apply the knowledges acquired


Regarding the evaluation, there will be two possibilities:

1 – Frequency:

a) Test based on the contents of point I, II and III of the program (40% weight)

b) Two group tasks, based on the contents of point IV of the program (20+20% weight)

c) Tasks developed and presented during classes (20% weight)

2- Exam

a) Exam based on the contents of point I, II and III of the program (50% weight)

b) Two individual tasks, based on the contents of point IV of the program (25+25% weight)

Learning Results

The curricular unit  intents to develop the following competencies:

General: know how to conceive, to manage and to evaluate an internal communication policy regarding strategic management orientations and objectives

Specific: to understand the functions of internal communication; to identify and characterize internal communication policies; to understand internal communication as a management instrument and a path towards cohesion; to understand the limitations of internal communication and to know how to apply appropriate tools to develop effectiveness in internal communication practices.

These competencies will make the students capable of:

– knowing how to make an internal diagnostic of IC needs

– Knowing how to organize an IC plan

– Knowing how to conceive tools and intruments adjusted to an IC policy


I – Introduction to internal communication (IC):

a) concept and brief historical review

b) the articulation with the other communication policies

c) the relation with the integrated communication perspective

d) the internal public

e) IC and corporate social responsibility (CSR)

f) internal communication following the organizational behavior perspective

i. the place in the organizational structure

ii. the relation: IC models-organizational strategic development models

iii. IC for recruitment and new workers’ socialization

iv. IC and CSR’s internal orientations


II – The IC axis:

a) comprehension

b) circulation

c) confrontation

d) cohesion


III – Evaluatins the IC status in organizations

a) the auditting steps in IC

b) methodologis applyed in IC: qualitative and quantitative

c) data analysis and the decision-making process


IV – Intervention in IC

a) the IC plan

b) Tools and instruments for IC

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Frequency - 40.0%




-Barton, P. (2016). Maximizing internal communication: strategies to turn, heads win hearts, engage employees and get results. NY: Aviva Publishing

-Cowen, D. (2014). Strategic internal communication: how to build employee engagement and performance. London: Kogan Page

-Ewing, M., Men, L. & O’Neil, J. (2019). Using social media to engage employees: insights from internal communication managers. Int Journal of Strategic Communication, 13, 110-132.

-Fitzpatrick, L. & Valskov, K. (2014). Internal communications: a manual for practitioners. London: Kogan Page

-Men, R. & Bowen, S. (2017). Excellence in internal communication management. NY: Busniness Expert Press

-Henriet B. e Boneu F. (1990), “Audit de la communication interne”. Paris : Les Editions de l’Organisation.

-Ruck, K. (2015). Exploring internal communication (3rd ed.) Surrey: Gower Publishing Company

-Vercic, A. & Vocic, N. (2017). Engaging employees through Internal Communication. Public Relations Review, 43, 885-893