IT Applications II

Base Knowledge

Mathematics, Economics and Informatics.

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching method and face-to-face assessment. Continuous assessment regime in two face-to-face tests in a computer environment; examination regime in accordance with the dates scheduled by ISCAC. If the student opts for continuous assessment, he/she must attend at least 80% of the classes taught.

Learning Results

The course unit (UC) of Computer Applications II follows on from the course of Computer Applications I.

The main objectives of this UC are:

– It is intended that the effective monitoring of the teaching component of this UC allows students to create a set of skills that meet the proposed objectives for the discipline, namely the acquisition of skills in the scope of management and processing of information on a personal computer;

– Acquisition of knowledge in the field of Information Technologies and, in particular, the understanding of concepts inherent to computer systems, from the user’s point of view, in the field of operating systems and computer networks;

– Make students aware of the importance of computer applications and, in particular, of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, namely in the application of syllabus to other domains of knowledge that are part of the respective curricular plan.

– Acquire skills in the management and processing of information, on a personal computer;

– Solve practical problems using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in order to implement different tools available, in the calculation and processing of data, the organization and management of information, and the construction of reports and presentation of results;

– Analyze different aspects of Microsoft Excel within the scope of financial functions and promote the use of features such as command and form macros.

After completing the CU, the student should be able, namely, to:

– Know how to build and implement different criteria for evaluating data.

– Build dynamic tables and graphs, benefiting from the dynamic structure of action on the data. Proceed with management, organization and updating of data, using the valences of the dynamic table report and taking advantage of the options for defining the data table, the sorting and filtering operations on the table fields and the chart options, considering different criteria and procedures;

– Use the Achieving Goal and Solver tools to solve different practical problems, presenting the valences of Microsoft Excel in the context of solving complex problems translated into a mathematical model. Know how to properly use the different structuring and problem definition options as well as the resolution characteristics.

– Adequately apply different financial functions available in Microsoft Excel, namely, the evaluation of rates, interest and amortization, the construction of debt amortization maps and payment plans, as well as the use of functions aimed at dynamic analysis and evaluation of investment projects;

– Create and execute command macros, using different options and benefiting from the features of this tool to speed up and automate the execution of operations in spreadsheet space.

– Create and edit forms articulating them with command macro procedures.


1 Data Organization and Management.

1.1 Automatic Filters.

1.2 Advanced Filters.

1.3 Database functions.

1.4 Consolidation and grouping of dispersed data according to specific agglomeration criteria.

2 PivotTables and PivotCharts.

2.1 Contextualization.

2.2 Pivot tables: fields to relate and definition of relationships.

2.3 Construction of dynamic graphs: data structure and graph options.

3 Goal Achieve Tools, Scenario Manager and Solver.

3.1 Fundamental concepts;

3.2 Problem formalization.

3.3 Model building, model testing and model resolution options.

4 Financial Functions.

4.1 Introductory Concepts: summary characterization of financial operations.

4.2 Fees, interest and amortization.

4.3 Payment Plans.

4.4 Dynamic evaluation of investment projects.

5 Command and Form Macros.

5.1 Fundamental Concepts.

5.2 Creating Macros.

5.3 Running macros.

5.4 Macro Options.

5.5 Creating and Editing Forms.

5.6 Framing forms in the context of command macros.


Curricular Unit Teachers




[0] Apontamentos disponibilizados pelo docente na página oficial da unidade curricular na plataforma NONIO.

[1] Luís Silva Rodrigues, Utilização do EXCEL para Economia e Gestão, ISBN: 978-972-722-775-4, FCA –Editora Informática, 2017.

[2] Adelaide Carvalho, Cálculos Elementares com EXCEL – 74 Exercícios, ISBN: 978-972-722-873-7, FCA –Editora Informática, 2017.

[3] Adelaide Carvalho, Gráficos com EXCEL – 95 Exercícios, ISBN: 978-972-722-876-8, FCA –Editora Informática, 2017.

[4] Adelaide Carvalho, Exercícios resolvidos com Excel para a Economia e Gestão, ISBN 972-722-472-5, FCA –
Editora Informática, 2004.

[5] H. Loureiro, Excel XP e 2000: Macros & VBA, ISBN 972-722-265-X, FCA – Editora de Informática, 2001

[6] J. J. Dias Cerqueira, Excel para Economia e Gestão, ISBN 972-618-128-3, Edições Sílabo, 1995.

[7] Jorge Sequeira, Excel – Guião de funções para Economia e Finanças, ISBN 972-592-192-5, Escolar Editora,

[8] Katherine Smith, Lawrence Smith, Smith Murphy; Microsoft Excel for accounting: The first course, ISBN
013-008-551-0, Prentice Hall, 2002.

[9] Luís Silva Rodrigues, Utilização do Excel 2007 para economia e gestão, ISBN 978-972-722-499-9, FCA –
Editora de Informática, 2009.

[10] M. A. P. S. Carvalho, Exercícios Resolvidos com Excel XP e 2000, ISBN 972-722-377-X, FCA – Editora de
Informática, 2003.

[11] M. A. P. S. Carvalho, Exercícios Resolvidos com Excel para Economia & Gestão, ISBN 972-722-472-5, FCA –
Editora de informática, 2004.