Literature I

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Oral exposition of concepts/subjects with question answering under a practical/theoretical approach. Teaching methodology will be predominantly practical, with explanatory classes by the professor and participation of the students through assignments during the classes and homework. Use of multimedia contents, and literary texts selected by the professor.
Continuous assessment will be carried out through an oral presentation work with the weight of 40% of the final grade and a second oral presentation work complemented witha written version with an overall weight of 60% of the final grade (grading scale 0 to 20).
The final assessment will result from a final written exam with the weight of 100% of the final grade (grading scale 0 to 20).
A student who obtains a grade equal to or greater than ten points is considered to have passed the exams.
The student who obtains a classification between 7.5 and 9.4 values (inclusive) in the written final test can be admitted to oral exam.

Learning Results

1. Characterizing literary studies as a fuzzy area.
2. Identifying literature institutionalization factors.
3. Characterizing the sociocultural and aesthetics’ dimensions of literature.
4. Distinguishing literary and non literary speech.
5. Seizing the functionality of intertextuality.
6. Distinguishing literary modes, genres and subgenres.
7. Characterizing lyric text, narrative and drama.
8. Articulating literary genres and historicity.
9. Distinguishing fictionality, artistic pretense, the possible world and verisimilitude.
10. Relating lyrical subjectivity and formal issues.
11. Distinguishing narrative traits from those of drama. The dramatic illusion.
12. Distinguishing functional entities: empirical author, narrator, narratee, reader; character, space, action; perspective, focus, voice; description, time and syntax of the narrative.
13. Developing practices and critical methodologies for literary text analysis.
14. Written production in the area of literary education.


1. Literary field and boundaries of literature.
2. Areas of literary studies: criticism, literary history, literary theory, literature teaching and its controversies.
3. Literature: the artistic expression and the institution.
4. The memory of the literary system: intertextuality and cultural references.
5. Reflection on the nature of the literary phenomenon: form and construction, legitimation processes, canon.
6. The literary speech: literary language, semantic and stylistic features.
7. The fictionality of the literary text: mimesis, possible worlds, text, context and intertext.
8. Literary modes, genres and sub-genres.
8.1. Relativism of literary genres.
8.2. Distinctive characterization of the lyric, narrative (narrative structures and categories) and dramatic modes (narrativity and theatrical performance).
9. Strategies and analysis of the literary speech.
10. Written production: critical review, index card, opinion text, chronic, argumentative text, creative text.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Second oral presentation work - 60.0%
  • - First oral presentation work - 40.0%




AGUIAR e SILVA, Vítor, Teoria da Literatura, Almedina, 8ª ed., 2018.
AGUIAR e SILVA, Vítor, As Humanidades, os Estudos Culturais, o Ensino da Literários e a Política da Língua Português, Almedina, 2010.
AA.VV., O Cânone, Tinta da China, 2020.
BAUDELAIRE, A invenção da modernidade, Relógio d’Água, 2006.
BERNARDES, José Augusto Cardoso, Literatura e Ensino do Português, Fund. Francisco M. Santos, 2013.
CEIA, Carlos (coord. 2005-11), E-Dicionário de Termos Literários (EDTL), CETAPS, FCSH/UL & FLUP,
EAGLETON, Terry, Como Ler Literatura, Ed. 70, 2021.
FRYE, Northrop, Elogio da Literatura, Ed. 70, 2022.
LEWIS,C. S., A Experiência de Ler, Porto Ed., 2000.
LODGE, David, A Consciência e o Romance, Asa, 2009.
LOPES, Óscar; SARAIVA, A. José, História da Literatura Portuguesa, Porto Edit., 17 ª ed., 2017.
MARTELO, Rosa Mª, Devagar, a Poesia, Assírio & Alvim, 2022.
REIS, Carlos, O Conhecimento da Literatura: Introdução aos Estudos Literários, Almedina, 2º ed., 2015.