Literature II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Explanation of concepts and subjects with Q&A during the theoretical/practical classes. Analysis of theoretical and programmatic texts, and selected texts of the literary periods under study.
Reference to other arts, using images, on-line music, audio-visual media, and documentaries, illustrating important works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and music of the periods under study. Use of technical tools, updated bibliography, and support materials to discuss the knowledge acquired. Continuous assessment is carried out through a first oral presentation (40% of the final grade) e a second oral presentation with a written version (60% of the final grade), the final grade being expressed on a 0 o 20 scale. Alternatively, students can take a written exam (100% of the final grade, expressed on a 0 to 20 scale). With a grade equal to or greater than 10 students are approved. With betwen 7.5 and 9.4 students may still be approved after an oral exam.

Learning Results

1. Understanding the dynamics of literary periods.
2. Establishing literature relations with other arts throughout the various literary periods in study.
3. Seizing some historical and cultural aspects involved in literary periods characterization.
4. Identifying the cultural and literary model for Humanism and Classicism.
5. Identifying the complex cultural and literary network that crossed the Mannerism and the Baroque.
6. Characterizing the Pre-Romanticism and Romanticism (their heterogeneity and revolutionary innovations).
7. Characterizing Naturalism / Realism: thematic, ideological and literary options.
8. Seizing the concept of modernity.
9. Characterizing and distinguish Modernism and Vanguards.
10. Considering the relativism of periodization denominations.
11. Reflecting on indications, vectors and objectives of Literary Education during Basic Education.


1. Literary evolution: period constitution factors, dynamics and relativity of literary periods.
1.1. Galician-Portuguese lyric.
1.2. Humanism and Classicism.
1.3. Mannerism and Baroque.
1.4. Pre-Romanticism and Romanticism.
1.5. Naturalism / Realism.
1.6. Modernism and Vanguards.
2. The Literary Education in Portuguese basic education.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Second oral presentation work - 60.0%
  • - First oral presentation work - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




AGUIAR e SILVA, Vítor, Camões: Labirintos e Fascínios, Cotovia,2008.
AGUIAR e SILVA, Vítor, Teoria da Literatura, 8ª ed., Almedina,2018.
AGUIAR e SILVA, Vítor, As Humanidades, os Estudos Culturais, o Ensino da Literários e a Política da Língua Português, Almedina, 2010.
AA.VV., O Cânone, Tinta da China, 2020.
AA.VV., Escrita e Imagem, Documenta, 2021.
BAUDELAIRE, A invenção da modernidade, Relógio d’Água, 2006.
DORFLES, Gillo, As Oscilações do Gosto, Horizonte, 2ª ed.,2001.
EAGLETON, Terry, Como Ler Literatura, Ed. 70, 2021.
FRYE, Northrop, Elogio da Literatura, Ed. 70, 2022.
LODGE, David, A Consciência e o Romance, Asa, 2009.
LOPES, Óscar; SARAIVA, António José, História da Literatura Portuguesa, Porto Ed., 17ª ed., 2017.MARTELO, Rosa Mª, Devagar, a Poesia, Assírio & Alvim, 2022.
PEREIRA, José Carlos Seabra, As Literatura em Língua Portuguesa, Gradiva, 2020.
REIS, Carlos (org.), História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa, Verbo, vol.s I a IX, 1993 a 2006.