Multimedia Project

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Given the nature of the curricular unit, there will be a regular monitoring of the activities of the student, with weekly (or other) meetings between student and advisor.

The student is allowed and encouraged to talk to other professors that may able to help him on the activities of Project, keeping this advisor informed.

Any other aspects related to Project should be checked against the regulamentation “Regulamento da Unidade Curricular de Projecto Multimédia da Licenciatura em Comunicação e Design Multimedia”.

The process and evaluation elements should abide to the text of articles 24th, 25th and 26th of the same regulamentation, being the evaluation coeficients defined in a meeting of the Jury elements, as stated in number 2 of article 25th, and splitted by the report, quality of the presentation and any other activities developed in Project

Learning Results

The multimedia projet curricular unit may be accomplished as an academic internship, a research project, or works in freelancer regime.

It is expected that the student should be able to describe and present developed work. So, the student also should:

Research, analyse and relate contents;

Know tools for support and development;

Apply acquired concepts in the development of new work;

Conceive, organise, plan, make and present work;

Integrate multitask teams;

Write documentation on the developed work.


Given the nature of the curricular unit, there are no a priori topics that should be mentioned. These must be adapted to the student and work being developed. They regard, however, orientations on the planning and development of tasks by the student, consisting of:

1. Definition of the work plan for the Project;

2. Creation of a Project Proposal;

3. Planning;

4. Theoretical ground of the projects;

5. Management and development of Projects;

6. Structure of the project report;

7. Norms and recommendations for the writing of internship or investigation reports.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - see regulation - 100.0%




Coutinho, C.  (2014). Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Almedina


Creeber, G. (2009). Digital cultures. New York: McGraw-Hill


Dancyger, K. (2011). The technique of film and video editing: History, theory, and practice, 5.ª ed. Elsevier


Hanington, B. & Martin, B. (2012) Universal Methods of Design: 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions. Rockport Publishers


Lupton, E. (2011). Intuição, Ação, Criação, Graphic Design Thinking. Editoral Gustavo Gili.


Miguel, A. (2010). Gestão de projectos de software, 4ª ed. FCA – Editora de Informática


Pocinho, M. (2012). Metodologia de Investigação e Comunicação do Conhecimento Científico.Lidel.


Sousa, M. & Baptista, C. (2011). Como Fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios – Segundo Bolonha. Lidel