Physical Education

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

▣Classes: TP, expository and experimental physical and sports activity (AFD); PL, assessment in AFD. ▣ Exclusively continuous assessment UC [100% = 20 points]: 1. 45%: Practical exam/oral presentation; 2. 50%: Experimental practice and assessment in AFD; 3. 5%: In-person participation in PL classes (no initial time tolerance in relation to the notified time and place). ▣Frequency/continuous/periodic assessment: Approved if ≥60% out of 2 and ≥80% out of 3. ▣Exam assessment (resource/improvement/special): if you meet the following specific conditions for access to the exam [point 8 of 13. º article of the Academic Regulation of the 1st Cycle of Studies ($)] if classifications in 1 ≥30%; in 2. ≥50%; in 3. ≥ 80%. ▣ Exam with theoretical (50%/100%) and practical (50%/100%) tests. Oral admission: cf. with $.

Learning Results

1. Understand the learning outcomes, concepts, foundations and syllabus of Physical Education in Preschool Education (EPE) and the 1st cycle of Basic Education (1CEB)
2. Identify pedagogical perspectives in EF and child human kinetics.
3. Know the Curriculum Programs of Physical Education (EF) of EPE and 1CEB
4. Know the child’s motor development process, motor capacities and fundamental motor skills and the benefits of physical activity
5. Know EF Class Plan Model for EPE and 1CEB
6. Know Teaching Techniques and Strategies in the Scope of Dimensions Instruction/Information, Management/Organization, Climate and Feedback
7. Show evolution in motor performance and physical fitness in specific motor skills and physical activities (AF) planned for EPE and 1st CEB
8. Identify best practices of EF, AF and child human kinetics.


1. Physical Education (EF) in preschool (EPE) and the 1st CEB: Model of Pedagogical Intervention, Objectives and Contents
2. EF Curriculum Guidelines in EPE and EF Program of the 1st CEB
3. Motor development of the child (growth and maturation, motor skills and process of motor skills) and effects of physical activity (biological, cognitive, socio-emotional)
4. Lesson Plan (behavioral goals, content, practice time)
5. Teaching techniques and pedagogical strategies: organization, instruction/information, feedback and climate
6. Reflex movements and fundamental motor skills
7. Contents of Physical Education in EPE (expertise and manipulation, displacements and balances, games) and the 1st CEB (expertise and handling, displacements and balances, gymnastics, games, nature paths, expressive rhythmic activities (dance))
8. EF, AF and Childrenity Programs and Projects

Curricular Unit Teachers




1. Costa F. (2019). Educación física como proyecto de innovación y transformación cultural. Physical Education as a Project of Innovation and Cultural Transformation. Revista Caribeña de Investigación Educativa. 3(2), 19-32
2. DGE (2018). Orientações curriculares para o Pré-Escolar. Lisboa: DGE.
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3. Dias G., Mendes R. & Amado J. (2022). Canções ao ritmo de danças e brinquedos tradicionais para todas as idades. Coimbra: Editora d’Ideias.
4. Dias G., & Mendes R. (2012). As potencialidades do jogo no desenvolvimento da criança. EFDeporte, 17, 173
5. Gabinete Desporto Escolar (2000). Programa de Educação Física Ilustrado. Lisboa: ME.
6. Martins J. et al. (2017). Técnicas de Ensino para uma Educação Física. In R. Catunda et al. (Eds.), Educação Física Escolar. Referências para um ensino de qualidade (53-85). BH, Brasil: Casa da Educação Física.
7. Mendes R. & Dias G. (2013). Vamos aprender com jogos tradicionais portugueses. Santa Comba Dão: Edições Convite à Música.