Sensory Analysis

Base Knowledge

not applicable


Teaching Methodologies

In this curricular unit classical lectures are complemented with practical demonstrations, hands-on experimentation, and sensory analysis in the sensory analysis laboratory.

Learning Results

To explain the physical-chemical and psychophysiological basis of sensory analysis. Plan and execute sensory analysis tests, analyze sensory test data, report sensory tests


Module 1 – Physical-chemical and psychophysiological basis of sensory analysis

1.1. – The Visual system. Food color – chemical compounds. Color measurement.

1.2. Taste system. Chemical compounds responsible for taste.

1.3. Olfaction system. Chemical compound responsible for odor and flavor. Introduction to gas chromatography- olfactometry and electronic nose for the evaluation of volatiles.

1.4. Food Texture. Main texture attributes in food.

Module 2 – Sensory evaluation

2.1 Controls for test room, product, and panel

2.2 Difference, Descriptive and Acceptance methods

2.3 Statistical evaluation of sensory tests

2.4 Reporting sensory results


Curricular Unit Teachers




Lidon F e Silvestre M.M. Indústrias Alimentares – Aditivos e Tecnologia. Lisboa, Portugal: Escolar Editora,
Hutchings J.B. – Food Colour and Appearence. London, UK: Blackie Academic, 1994.
Richard H. e Moulton J.L. Les Arômes Alimentaires. Paris, França: TEC-DOC Lavoisier, 1992
Botelho G. Characterisation of the aroma components of clonal grapes and wines from Aragonez and
Trincadeira Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Tese de Doutoramento. 169 p. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto
Douro, Vila Real, 2008.
Coultate T.P. Alimentos. Quimica de sus componentes. Zaragoza: Acribia, 1986.
Fisher C. e Scott T.R. Food Flavours – Biology and Chemistry. Cambridge, UK: The Royal Society of Chemistry,
Macfie e Thomson. Measurements of food preferences. London, UK: Blackie Academic, 1994.
Hendry G.A.F e Houghton J.D. Natural food colorants. Glasgow, UK: Chapman & Hall, 1996
Noronha J. Análise Sensorial – Metodologia /Apontamentos de Análise Sensorial. Coimbra: ESAC, 2003.