Society and Culture

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Taking care of to the objectivos and contents of this curricular unit it will be looked to follow a diversified methodology looking for, however, to privilege the work of individual research and the active participation of the pupils.
The continuous/periodic assessment takes into account the individual performance of the students, namely, their attendance, motivation, participation and critical reflection (20%), as well as the resolution of a test (40%) and the elaboration and discussion of works (40%). Aspects such as structure and organization of information, recipients’ adequacy and work goals, language used, quality and correctness of scientific information will be valued. Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and oral test (only if the classification 8 or 9 points).

Learning Results

One intends that finished this unit, the pupil is capable of:
– To explain the concepts of Society and Culture;
– To clarify the concept of Cultural Identity;
– To infer of the importance of the Education (formal and informal) in the process of individual and group construction;
– To understand the cultural changes in the societies throughout the times;
– To assume its responsibility as person, as citizen and as professional in the educative context;
– To critically analyze the social matters, cultural and ethical that take place in the current global society;
– To apply the knowledge and capacity of form understanding to evidence a professional and civic boarding;
– To disclose capacity of understanding of the social and cultural problems, being capable to construct its proper recital and argument.


1. Society, culture and individual:
– The Man, the nature and the society: the Man as one being of course cultural.
– Socialization and individual freedom.
– The construction of identities. The Portuguese example.
– Cultural Diversity: Etnocentrismo and Cultural Relativism – concepts and historical context.
– The society and the minorities: the multiculturalism in the school and the intercultural education.
– The cultural change today: the globalization.
2. Education and cultural reproduction: the development of the literacy and the education as change factors.
– Literacy and school in western modernity.
– The process of schooling.
– The development of the educational systems. The Portuguese case – schooling and democratization.
– Contemporary educational issues

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Frequency - 40.0%
  • - Elaboration and discussion of works - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Azevedo, J. (2007). Sistema educativo mundial. Ensaio sobre a regulação transnacional da educação. Fundação Manuel Leão
Giddens, A. (2000). Sociologia. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Javeau, C. (1998). Lições de Sociologia. Celta Editora.
Magalhães, J. (2010). Da cadeira ao banco. Escola e modernização (Séculos XVIII-XX). Educa.
Pais, J. M. (1999) Consciência histórica e identidade. Celta editores.
Rodrigues, M. L. (Org.) (2014). 40 Anos de Políticas de Educação em Portugal. 2 volumes. Edições Almedina S. A.
Santos, B. S. (Org.) (2001). Globalização: Fatalidade ou Utopia? Edições Afrontamento.
Sebastião, J. (2009). Democratização do ensino, desigualdades sociais e trajetórias escolares. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Stoer, S. R.; Cortesão, L.; Correia, J. A. (Orgs.) (2001). Transnacionalização da educação. Da crise da educação à “educação” da crise. Edições Afrontamento