Solid Wastes Treatment

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Lecture (T) classes will be targeted at understanding the theoretical foundations of the course, being complemented with practical (TP) classes for resolution of questions. In lecture classes the theoretical concepts exposition will be performed by Powerpoint slides projection. In the practical classes the different chapters exercise sheets are solved. Students are encouraged to participate with questions and comments during both lecture and practical classes. At the end of the practical classes it will be discussed the answers to the questions posed and framed topics.  All study material is made available through the Moodle platform.

Students can choose one of the following evaluation methodologies: (i) continuous evaluation or (ii) evaluation by final exam. Continuous evaluation will be accomplished by periodic written tests. The evaluation by final exam will be accomplished by a written exam at the end of the semester.

Learning Results

This course provides students with knowledge of the main problems associated with the production of municipal, industrial and hospital solid wastes, framing its regulations and introducing the most common methods of solid waste treatment.

It is intended thus, that the students be able to: i) identify the main solid wastes and the legal framework for its management; ii) characterize and classify the different solid wastes; iii) recognize the methodologies for handling, collection, storage and transportation of wastes; iv) identify the key conversion and recycling technologies for waste; v) understand the decomposition mechanisms of organic wastes and composting technologies; vi) understand the project and the landfill treatment process.


1. Legal framework, regulations and management plans for solid waste. Municipal, industrial and hospital solid wastes.

2. Production and composition of solid wastes. Classification of solid wastes. Physical and chemical properties. Wastes dangerousness. Prevention of hazardous waste production.

3. Handling, collection, storage and transport of municipal, industrial and hospital wastes. Waste separation and processing.

4. Thermal, chemical and biological waste conversion technologies. Recycling

5. Composting of organic wastes. Concepts. Mechanisms of organic matter decomposition. Factors affecting the composting. Advantages and limitations of composting. Composting systems

6. Landfills and landfill project. Biological treatment process and biogas production. Leachate and water balance. Location of solid waste treatment systems. Criteria and recommendations

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - mini-tests - 100.0%
Final exam
  • - Final exam - 100.0%




1. Manual Prático para a Gestão de Resíduos, Verlag Dashofer, 2011.

2. Cossu, R.. Engineering of landfill barrier system, E & FN Spon, London, 1994.

3. Davis M. L. & Cornwell D.A. Introdution to Environmental Engineering McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore, 1991.

4. Environmental Protection Agency. Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria, 40 CFR Part 258, Federal Register, 1991.

5. Tchobanoglous G. , Theisen H & Vigil S. A. Integrated Solid Waste Management. McGraw-Hill, International Editions, Singapore, 1993.

6. Environmental Protection Agency. Decision-Makers Guide to Solid Waste Management, Washington, DC., 1989.

7. Legislação diversa sobre resíduos sólidos.