Strength of Materials

Base Knowledge

Students begin by drawing diagrams of axial and transverse forces, bending moments in beams or bars subjected to concentrated loads, distributed loads and bending moments. They determine the geometric center, the moment of inertia and static moment in cross sections. They are taught the concepts and equations of fundamental strength of materials, allowing calculate stresses and deformations in structures of simple metallic components. The know of tensile strength of a material and the safety factor are presented in order to calculated the permissible stress of a component made by this material. The study of structural elements subjected to axial loads, torsional moments and bending moments with the support of graphical and analytical tools are taught, complemented with theoretical and practical exercises of practical engineering problems arranged in order of increasing difficulty. This study is strongly supported by practical work performed in class laboratory.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching method of the course will be mostly student-centered, using structural components of daily use, which the student, alone or in a group, will have to analyze and understand, within the scope of mechanics concepts.
The bases for the introduction of the nuclear concepts involve the use of several types of methodologies of exposition and discussion. Thus, the following will be implemented:
– Exhibition of content using electronic presentations, to be made available to students as complementary documentation to support the UC;
– Visualization of multimedia content;
– Visualization of components and structural assemblies to support the UC;
– Visits to metallic structures in spaces surrounding ISEC.
Students will be presented with several challenges, contextualized in the various domains of the course. These challenges involve understanding the functioning of some structural elements applicable in everyday life, as well as the design, development and construction of structural elements for defined objectives.
In addition, exercises to apply each of the UC concepts will be solved, which will serve as a basis for the apprehension of knowledge and the development of challenges.

Learning Results

The strength of materials discipline study the behavior of structural elements used in the fields of mechanical engineering and metal taking into account the conditions of their use and the stresses to which they are subject. Obtain the more convenient shape and dimensions of materials to be used, which offers better performance, to withstand various types of external stresses applied to machines, parts of structures, etc … at the lowest possible cost and maximum safety. The strength of materials discipline must define clearly and precisely what is required to the student as a future engineer Skills: Understanding the concepts and procedures involved in selecting and sizing machines bodies and structural elements. Know and use measurement instrumentation and control. Learn to design mechanical components and reticulated structures


Static: internal and external loads, reticulated and truss structures, Ritter method. Efforts: normal, transverse, bending and torsional moments. ;Strength of materials: Normal stress, shear stress, displacement, strain, mechanical properties; elasticity and plasticity, Hooke’s law, stress-deformation diagrams for ductile and brittle materials, safety coefficient, yield criteria.;Structural elements subjected to axial loading Stress into bars axially loading. Saint-Venant principle. Bars elongation. Influence of temperature on elongation of the bars.;Structural elements subjected to torsional moment Pure shear. Torsion on elements with circular and non-circular cross section. Torsion in thin-walled open sections and in thin -closed sections. Power transmission. ;Study of structural elements subjected to bending Bending of beams straight axis: pure, shear and axial and bending. Bending combined with axial load. Bending combined with torsion. Shear stresses in bending.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Gere, J., & Timoshenko, S. (1997). Mechanics of Materials (4th ed.). Boston: PWS Publishing Company.

Farinha, J.S., & Reis, A.C. (1992). Tabelas Técnicas. Setúbal: Edição P.O.B.

Hibbeler, R.C. (2006). Resistência dos Materiais (5ª ed.). São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R., & DeWolf, J.T. (2006). Resistência dos Materiais (4ª ed.). Porto Alegre: McGraw Hill.

Antunes, F. (2012). Mecânica Aplicada –Uma Abordagem Prática. Lidel.

Hibbeler, R.C. (2005). Estática – Mecânica para Engenharia (10ª ed.). São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.