Teaching Practicum I

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

During the course unit is made use of:
* Presentation of program contents of the curricular unit by teacher;
* Individual or group research and tasks; * Presentation and discussion of the work;
* Sharing and analysis of information collected in Internship Centers.
Students may choose between the assessment by frequency or by examination. The frequency modality include two components whose final classification result on weighted average: (a) Quality of participation in TP class (50%) + (b) Practice Report (50%). This CU excludes the realization of the entire assessment by examination, given the requirement of internship attendance and corresponding report. Only students who has completed the internship and obtained positive rating in this component can choose assessment by examination. The exam will cover the syllabus of UC, and student’s final grade corresponds to an average of the marks obtained in the practice report and exam.

Learning Results

TPI-CE aims to promote the personal and professional development of future early childhood teachers, confronting them with their vocational choice and helping them to understand the specificity of Childhood Education. It is intended that future early childhood teachers begin to acquire knowledge concerning the scope and purposes of CE in order to develop skills that enable them to understand the diversity of educational settings and of children, missions and knowledge that are constitutive of professionalism of ECE teacher, expecting that at the end of CU students will be able to:
* Understand the scope of Childhood Education, its specificity and diversity
*Understand the tasks and knowledge constituting the professionalism of the Childhood Educator;
* Understand the specific curriculum practices in Childhood Education
* Master strategies and techniques of observation, analysis and data collection
* Make use of this knowledge in the analysis of a concrete educational reality


1. Childhood education: brief framework:
1.1 – Present perspectives and future trend;
1.2 – Legislative documents and their main role in the evolution of practices in Childhood Education.
2. Childhood Education Teacher and his specific professionalism:
2.1 – The professional knowledge in teaching and specific knowledge in early childhood education;
2.2 – The educator’s action as intentional and reasoned action: planning tools and educational regulation.
3. Pedagogical Observation:
3.1 – Foundations and typology of observation;
3.2 – Planning Observation;
3.3 – Collecting and organizing data;
3.4 – Interpretative activity and reflection on practices.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 50.0%
  • - Practice report - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 50.0%
  • - Internship report - 50.0%




Cardona, M. J. (2006). Educação de Infância, Formação e Desenvolvimento Profissional (pp. 135-192). Chamusca: Edição Cosmos.
Coelho, A. (2007). Repensar o Campo da Educação de Infância. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 44 (3), 1-10.
Ministério da Educação (1997). Legislação. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação, Departamento de Educação Básica.
Ministério da Educação (1997). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Lisboa: M.E. (DEB/NEP).
Oliveira-Formosinho, J. (2000). A profissionalidade específica da educação de infância e os estilos de interacção adulto/criança. Infância e Educação, 1, 153-173
Oliveira-Formosinho, J., Kishimoto, T. M., Pinazza, M.A. (Orgs.) (2007). Pedagogia (s) da infância, Dialogando com o passado, construindo o futuro. Porto Alegre: Artmed.