Tourism and Local Development

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methods have a theoretical and practical carather. The focus is, however, the research and discussion of the various syllabuses by the students with guidance and supplement the teacher.

Students can choose one of the following modalities: continuousassessment or final exam evaluation.

Continuous assessment:
Continuing evaluation will have a component based on individual and/or group works, and on class participation, with a weighting of 40% and another component consisting of the writing of an individual article, with a weighting of 60%

Assessment by exam:
Individual written test – 100.0%
Evaluation by exam consists of an individual written test. Students who score more than 9.5 points will pass the exam. Students who score between 7.5 and 9.4 will have the right to take an oral test, and the final grade will correspond to the average of the classifications obtained.

Learning Results

To understand the concepts related to the various development models, particularly the principles and features of the Local Development
To understand the concept and dimensions of sustainable development, on a global and local scale
To understand and relate the economic, social and environmental development of a sustainability perspective
To understand the relationship between Tourism and Sustainable Local Development
To understand the importance of coordination of the various actors in the progress of Local Development.
To know the tools of planning and land management and local resources related to the implementation of local development projects
To understand the importance of valuation of endogenous resources related to tourism, in a sustainability perspective
To understand the importance of education for sustainability in the context of Sustainable Local Development in Tourism


1 – Local Development
1.1 – Concepts, principles and general characteristics
1.2 – Theories, models and practices of local development
1.3 – Development models: from functionalist paradigm to paradigm territorialist

2 – Tourism, Developmentand Local and Sustainability
2.1 – Policy instruments for the sustainable development
2.2 – Sustainable local development: environment, heritage, identity and LD; from global to local: local development in the face of globalization processes
2.3 – Local resources and Tourism
2.4 – Tourism, education and sustainable development

3 – Asssotiativism, Partnership and Instruments to support LD
3.1 – The associativism in local development
3.2 – The importance of partnership in the Local Development
3.3 – Mechanisms to support projects

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Scientific Article Writing - 60.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




AAVV (2001) Desenvolver (des)envolvendo: Reflexões e pistas para o desenvolvimento Local. Messejana: ESDIME
Amaro R. R. (2017) Desenvolvimento ou pos-desenvolvimento? Des-envolvimento e… noflay. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos n.34. p.75-111
Carvalho, N. (2016) Património natural e construção de identidades locais: o mosaico identitário português e o desenvolvimento local. In Atas do II CIEAD. Leiria. pp. 10-17
Carvalho, N. (2020) Turismo e Recursos Endógenos como catalizadores do DLS nos territórios de baixa densidade populacional. In Christopher. N. (Org) (2020) Turismo, Sociedade e Ambiente. Ponta Grossa – Paraná. Atena Editora. p.23-29
Carvalho, N. (2021) Desenvolvimento Local Sustentável nas Áreas Protegidas. In Maria. S.(Org) (2021) O Meio Ambiente e a Interface dos Sistemas Social e Natural 3. Ponta Grossa – Paraná. Atena Editora. p. 54-66
Reis, P. (2012) Desenvolvimento local: o binómioturismo/áreas rurais nas estratégias de desenvolvimento local. Exedra nº6. p.155-172