Workshop: Communication in Organizations

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The syllabus will be developped through:

i) expositive theoretical sessions (introductory),

ii)practical sessions, with cases analysis and discussions and application of concepts in the context of a class.

Evaluation by frequency: Two group assignments –  (1) Part I of the syllabus: oral presentation of the application of the concepts to a real case (25%); (2) Parts II and III (60%): project of development of a Corporate Communication proposal starting in a briefing provided by the professor; Presence and participation in classes (15%). Evaluation by exam will be based upon a written test (40% da nota final), in the date set by ESEC and two individuals assigments. First one referring to Part I of the syllabus, written essay of the application of the concepts to a real case,; second one referrring to Parts II and III of the syllabus, with the elaboration of an analysis of a corporate communication program of a company of their choice (20+40%).

Learning Results

– Know how to establish the communication channels to gather feedback from publics;

– Know how to define concepts of: citizenship, neighbourhood, and corporate social responsibility in communication actions and public relations, and interpret the processof formation of the corporate image;

– Know how to identify the public configuration of organizations;

– Know how to articulate the gathered information and integrate it in the corporate discourse.


I – The informative dimension of organizations

               a) Models of propaganda and public relations: impact in the emergence of the concept of Corporate Communication

               b) Economic market and informative market: interaction

               c) The organization as a radically human entity

d) Corporate rhetoric: legitimacy through discourse

II –Concept of corporate identity

               a) Contents: corporate values, culture and history

               b) Goals: the question of the public image of organizations

               c) Publics: partners in business. Models of communication (from pyramid to net; excellent communication). Informative relations promoted by corporate communication

               d) Tangible and intangible manifestations: physical and graphic elements; corporate signature.

               e) Coporate communication media

III – Understanding of the corporate personality/construction of the corporate message: practical work

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 40.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 60.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 85.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 15.0%




Christensen, L.; & Cornelissen, J. (2017). Construindo pontes entre a Comunicação Organizacional e a Comunicação Corporativa: revisão, desenvolvimento e olhares para o futuro. Revista Mediapolis 4(2017).

Cornelissen, J. (2020). Corporate communications. 6th edition. SAGE.

Enriquéz, C. (2001). Introducción a la comunicación institucional. Ariel Comunicación.

Grunig, J.  (ed.) (2008). Excellence in Public Relations and communication management. Routledge.

Van Riel, C. e Fombrun, C. (2007). Essentials of corporate communication. Routledge.

Villafañe, J. (1998). Imagem positiva – gestão estratégica da imagem das empresas. Colecção Gestão. Sílabo.