Workshop: Effective Relations with Media

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies


Attendance: The course contents are developed through analysis and discussion of themes contained in prograrm and case studies;

Autonomous: Developing a practical continuation of the theme stated at the beginning of the school year and presented orally in the form of a written report.

Evaluation of frequency – Consisting of 3 elements:

– Class participation: 15%

– Realization of 1 individual test assessment:40% (minimum grade 7,5)

– Development of team work: 45% (minimum grade, 9,5).

Final Evaluation *

– Realization of 1 individual test assessment (50% ).

– Realization of practical work (group or individual) (50%).

* Conditions are applied for evaluation often in times of resource and special.

Learning Results

Students should have understood the workings of the media field and be able to devise and implement media relations strategies. They should perform the following tasks: Writing a press release; Prepare a press kit; Organising a press conference, schedule a visit media / press trips; Writing a publiredaccional (written advertising); Organize meetings with the press; Analyze the different dimensions of the contents of the media; Writing summaries of the press; Organising a press archive, organize a press review.


1.Media Relations: Definitions and Objectives

2. Media Relations: The journalistic field

3. Media Relations: The Media

4. Media Relations: The Instruments

5. Media Relations and Crisis Communication

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 40.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 45.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 15.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 50.0%




– Descheper, J. , (1992). Saber Comunicar com os Jornalistas Da Imprensa, Rádio E Televisão.  Mem Maritns: Edições Cetop.

– Hallahan. K. (2010). Public Relations Media. In Heath R. L. “The Sage HandBook of Public Relations”. Sage Publications.

– Lucas, L. (2007) (Org). Media Training: como agregar             valor ao negócio melhorando a relação com a imprensa. São Paulo: Summus Editorial.

– MacNamara J. (2014). Journalism–PR relations revisited: The good news, the badnews, and insights into tomorrow’s news. Public Relations Review. (40) 739–750.

– Ribeiro, V. (2016). Assessores de Imprensa e Jornalistas. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.

Ting Lee, S. and Hemant Desai, M. (2014), “Dialogic communication and media relations in non-governmental organizations”, Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 80-100.

– Vercic, A. & Vercic T. (2016). Review The new publicity: From reflexive to reflective mediatisation. Public Relations Review (42) 493–498