Conhecimentos de Base Recomendados
Conhecimentos básicos de TIG e de modelação digital de edifícios.
Métodos de Ensino
A metodologia de ensino proposta permite que o aluno adquira conhecimentos nas aulas teórico-práticas, e que reforce os conhecimentos adquiridos através da aplicação das informações teóricas transmitidas na análise de problemas concretos do âmbito da Engenharia Civil. O ensino será focado no ambiente digital e na utilização de softwares. Os métodos expositivo e inquisitivo serão usados para explicar assuntos teóricos e alguns exercícios.
Resultados de Aprendizagem
Use of geographic information technologies (GIT) for planning and/or management of the built environment.
Understand the role and potential of BIM for the engineering and construction industry. Apply technologies, processes and policies in a virtual construction modelling practices and contribute to collaboratively design, construct and operate a BIM project team.
Identify and describe appropriate modelling practices depending on the BIM uses. Build models and manage processes with existing international recommendations.
Evaluate the basics of implementing BIM for a construction project based on BIM dimensions and BIM information management process Evaluate the implementation of BIM models to construction and design case studies.
1- Development of projects applied to the built environment, for planning and/or management purposes, using GIT.
a) Projects to be developed in the following areas:
– Road traffic and soft modes of transportation modelling
– Support for conservation and rehabilitation of transport infrastructure
– Design and analysis of water distribution and wastewater drainage systems, and connection to modelling software
2) Fundamentals of BIM Methodology
a) Challenges in the construction industry. Main concepts of BIM methodology. Digital technologies.
b) Standardization and BIM Regulation
– International BIM standardization and implementation organizations
– Standardization and regulation of the BIM methodology
– BIM Execution Plan
– Regulation for information exchange and interoperability
– BIM taxonomy and terminology
c) Collaborative Design and Interoperability
– Collaborative project
– Production of inform. and its exchange processes
– Roles and Responsibilities
– Objective interoperability
Docente(s) responsável(eis)
Bills, T., Mann, K. (Eds.). (2021). Moving forward: GIS for transportation. ESRI Press
Hohl, P., Mann, K. (Eds.). (2021). Delivering water and power: GIS for utilities. ESRI Press
Miller, H., Shaw, S. (2001). Geographic information systems for transportation: Principles and applications. Oxford University Press
Shamsi, U. (2002). GIS tools for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. ASCE.
Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2010). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide–Version 2.0
Version 2.0EUBIM Taskgroup 2017 Handbook for the introduction of Building Information Modelling by European Public Sector
Poljansek, M., 2017 Building Information Modelling (BIM) standardization, EUR 28977 EN, EU Publications Office
Sacks, R., Eastman, C., Lee, G., Teicholz, P. (2018). BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Designers, Engineers, Contractors, and Facility Managers, 3rd Edition, Wiley