Conhecimentos de Base Recomendados
Conhecimentos da Língua Inglesa correspondentes ao nível B1 do quadro europeu de referência.
Knowledge of the English language corresponding to level B1 of the European frame of reference.
Métodos de Ensino
As aulas compreendem uma primeira parte teórica e uma segunda parte com aplicação prática.
Classes comprise a first theoretical part and a second part with practical application.
Resultados de Aprendizagem
Tendo em conta o papel desempenhado por um profissional desta área, esta unidade curricular pretende desenvolver no aluno a capacidade para planificar e estruturar apresentações, participar em reuniões ou mesmo para as liderar. Será ainda dedicado algum tempo à candidatura a um emprego: carta de candidatura, curriculum vitae e entrevista.
Para que os alunos possam desenvolver as tarefas escritas e orais que lhes são apresentadas com a correção desejada, serão revistas e consolidadas estruturas gramaticais da Língua Inglesa.
Taking into account the role played by a professional in this area, this curricular unit aims to develop in the student the ability to plan and structure presentations, participate in meetings or even lead them. Some time will also be devoted to applying for a job: letter of application, curriculum vitae and interview. So that students can develop the written and oral tasks that are presented to them with the desired correction, grammatical structures of the English language will be revised and consolidated.
- A. Syllabus
I – Applying for a job
- 1. Letter of Application
- 2. Curriculum Vitae
- 3. Job interview
- 4. Contracts
- 5. Corporate responsibility
II – Meetings
- 1. Making meetings effective
- 2. Sorry to interrupt, but…
- 3. What do you mean by…?
III – Presentations
- 1. Planning and getting started
- 2. The middle of the presentation
- 3. The end is near…this is the end
– time prepositions;
– adjectives;
– simple present/present continuous;
– simple past/past continuous;
– wh-question words;
– if-clauses
Docente(s) responsável(eis)
ASHLEY, A. (2003) A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. Oxford: Oxford University Press
GOODALE, Malcolm (1997) The Language of Meetings. Hove: LTP [Language Teaching Publications]
MACRAE, Paul (2014) Business and Professional Writing – A Basic Guide. Peterborough, Broadview Press
RAWDON, Wyatt (2020) Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London/New York, Bloomsbury Publishing
VALENTINE, Craig and Mytch Meyerson (2014) World Class Speaking in Action. New York, Morgan James Publishing
SWEENEY, Simon (2001) English for Business Communication. Cambridge/New York, Cambridge University Press