Course Objectives
The degree in Management Informatics has as main objectives to train professionals, in the area of ??Information Systems and Management, able to carry out their professional activity with a high level of technical and scientific skills. To this extent, it is intended that graduates with this course will be professionals able to use, design, develop and make good use of Information Systems and Technologies in organizations both public and private, through the knowledge and applications of the various aspects of information systems management – strategic, financial, management control, or system integration component. At the level of technical training, curricular units are included in the areas of Information Systems, Information Technologies and Project Management. Technologies. The complimentary training includes curricular units that cover the areas of human resources, entrepreneurship, natural languages (in addition to the Portuguese language), accounting, administration, and law.
Access Conditions
Secondary school or equivalent and one of the following exams: Mathematics (16) or Economics (04) and Mathematics (16)
The information provided does not exempt the consultation to the page of the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES) and / or the page of the Candidates. Consult DGES website and Candidates
Professional Outlets
Information Systems Manager
Business Process Analyst
Analyst / Systems Administrator
Software Project Manager
Database Administrator
Analyst / Programmer, with particular focus on applications in the area of management
Information Systems Auditor
Consultant / Auditor of Information Systems and / or Information Technology
Learning Language
Portuguese Language.
Learning Objectives
The main learning objectives are to acquire technical knowledge in the areas of Information Systems, Information Technology, and Project Management; to deepen the knowledge in the area of ??human resources (like time, conflicts and team management, among others), that will allow to acquire skills in the level of interpersonal and organizational relationships; encourage entrepreneurship from the beginning of the training; acquiring skills to the interdisciplinary level, which will allow to approach, apply and integrate concepts and methodologies from the most diverse areas; the acquisition of complementary training combined with the defined curricular plan, such as the study of natural languages other than Portuguese (English, French, Spanish or German languages) will add skills on “how to be and speak in public”; training in complementary areas such as Accounting, Administration or Law, will allow for easy integration into organizational projects groups, serving as privileged interlocutors between two populations with speeches and competencies that are quite different (the organization’s foremost workers, such as managers, and experts in computer technologies, such as programmers); acquisition of skills at the level of autonomy and proactivity.
Access to Superior Studies
The graduate degree allows the students to apply for Post-graduate
Course Coordinators
Main Branch
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Accounting I | 50001809 | 5 | 1st S |
Algorithms and Programming I | 50001815 | 6 | 1st S |
Computers Architecture | 50002013 | 5 | 1st S |
Introduction to Law and Labour Law | 50000022 | 4 | 1st S |
Introduction to Organization Management | 50001916 | 4 | 1st S |
Mathematical Analysis I | 50001792 | 6 | 1st S |
Accounting II | 50002030 | 6 | 2nd S |
Algorithms and Programming II | 50002059 | 6 | 2nd S |
Mathematical Analysis II | 50002024 | 6 | 2nd S |
Microeconomics | 50000089 | 5 | 2nd S |
Numerical Methods | 50002321 | 4 | 2nd S |
Technical English-IT | 50002065 | 3 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Computer Networks | 50002222 | 4 | 1st S |
Costs and Management Accounting | 50002211 | 8 | 1st S |
Database Systems | 50002628 | 6 | 1st S |
Information Systems I | 50002332 | 4 | 1st S |
Operating Systems | 50002101 | 4 | 1st S |
Probability and Statistics | 50000324 | 4 | 1st S |
Corporate Finance | 50002549 | 5 | 2nd S |
Corporate Finance | 51001268 | 5 | 2nd S |
Inferential Statistics | 50000535 | 4 | 2nd S |
Information Systems II | 50002505 | 5 | 2nd S |
Management of Computer Networks | 50002469 | 4 | 2nd S |
Object Oriented Languages | 50002112 | 6 | 2nd S |
Software Processes and Methodologies | 50002396 | 6 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Human Resources Direction | 51001189 | 5 | 1st S |
Introduction to Taxation | 51001195 | 3 | 1st S |
Knowledge Based Systems | 50002718 | 6 | 1st S |
Operations Research | 50002661 | 6 | 1st S |
Software Projects Management | 50002771 | 6 | 1st S |
Computer Law | 50003020 | 4 | 2nd S |
Information Systems Auditing | 50003014 | 4 | 2nd S |
Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning | 50002963 | 4 | 2nd S |
Marketing | 50000330 | 4 | 2nd S |
Software Project Development | 50002991 | 10 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 51001204 | 4 | 1st S |
WEB Development | 50002980 | 4 | 1st S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Corporate Law | 50003031 | 4 | 2nd S |
IT Security | 50003042 | 4 | 2nd S |
IT Systems Quality | 50003141 | 4 | 2nd S |