New students

If you are a new student of Politécnico de Coimbra (1st enrolment), you should access the portal Inforestudante to make the enrolment/registration. To help you in this process, you should consult the platform support video:



To help you in this new stage, the Polytechnic of Coimbra provides a set of useful information that you can consult.


There are several grants available to support your academic career. Find out more about the grants available for students at the Polytechnic of Coimbra here.



SASIPC has 6 blocks of residences located in the two geographical areas of Coimbra where the respective schools and institutes are located with rooms starting at 84,08€ €/month for students with a DGES grant. More information here.



At Politécnico de Coimbra you have 5 canteens and cafeterias integrated and/or close to your school with social meals from 2.85 €. Find out more here.



The Student Support Office (GAE) is implemented in each of the Education Organic Units of the Polytechnic of Coimbra, with teams composed of social assistants, psychologists, students and teachers, and aims at the successful adaptation of students of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra.

Find out more about the Student Support Office here.


 Student Pass

Find out here the conditions for monthly transport passes for students.


Health and well-being

You can benefit from free psychological support. For more information, click here.


Cultural and sporting activities

Playing sports is fundamental for your physical well-being. Find out more here.

Your artistic side will not be neglected. Check here all the free activities you can do.


 Student Associations

Find out more about the associative movement and your student association here.


 Academic Tunas

Get to know the existing “Tunas” – musical groups in each of our schools.