Projects Co-financed by the European Union

PUC, as a whole (central services and organic units), both in the context of scientific research and in the areas of training, infrastructure and social, technological and management innovation, through the submission of applications of recognised technical, scientific and pedagogical merit, individually or in partnership with other teaching and research institutions and companies, has obtained financial support within the framework of various instruments to promote sustainable development, innovation, competitiveness, entrepreneurship, social inclusion and equal opportunities policy measures, namely, among others, those ensured by the European Union, either through its own programmes, such as Horizon 2020, the LIFE programme and the ERASMUS programme, or through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), such as the ERDF, the ESF, the EAFRD, included in the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, and INTERREG. Likewise, the IPC has obtained funding at national level, in particular through the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology.

Therefore, in compliance with the contractual obligations underlying the financing granted to PUC, arising from the applicable legislation, namely Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 821/2014 of 28 July 2014 and Decree-Law No. 159/2014 of 27 October, in addition to the other various publicity measures, in particular those implemented in the spaces where the operations take place, detailed information on the various projects promoted and participated in by PUC can be found on this page, and on the others that are accessible through the links provided.


PDR Projects



AproximaR – Produce and consume locally



Valor JarmelistaTerritorial valorization for the preservation of the identity and genetics of the Jarmelista breed

FitoMicorrizas  – Production of mycorrhizal plants

ProDOP – Serra da Estrela

Coelhos Bio – Production of organic rabbits

LACTIES – Innovation, Eco-Efficiency and Safety in SMEs in the Dairy Sector

GMOVEL – Weed control with chickens in vineyards, orchards and between rows of vegetable crops, and egg and meat production.

EspumaBio – Resolution of the problem of excess SO2 concentration in wines, by experimenting with the production of organic sparkling wine

Vale do Lis – Operational group for water management in the Lis Valley

Fogo e Invasoras – Reduce the risk of invasion, reduce the risk of fire and manage the biomass produced in an economically and ecologically appropriate way.

EGIS – Strategies for integrated soil and water management in nut-producing species

IEPEEfficient installation of eucalyptus plantations.

RG: MedronheiroPlant genetic conservation and improvement for the strawberry tree

RG: Hortícolas  – Conservation and improvement of vegetable species for organic and biodynamic production methods

RG: Milho  – Conservation and improvement of traditional corn varieties