Course Objectives
To offer a training that develops and deebs knowledge in key areas of business management obtained at the level of the degree, enabling its application and development in original, complex and multidisciplinary contexts;
Promote applied research and the development of a high professional level;
Provide students with updated and advanced analysis, planning, implementation and control methods and techniques;
Stimulate reflection and critical spirit in the diagnosis and development of solutions;
Promote the communication of conclusions, as well as the knowledge and reasoning underlying them, clearly and unambiguities to different audiences;
Develop competences that allow lifelong learning, in a auto-orientado and autonomous way;
Enable the continuation of studies of young graduates and professionals with needs to deepen skills, with a view to improving their performance.
Access Conditions
The holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized by the Technical-Scientific Council of ESTGOH, as attesting to the capacity to perform this cycle of studies.
The recognition referred to in points (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 3 shall have the effect of only the access to the cycle of studies leading to the degree of master and does not confer on the holder the equivalence to the degree of licensee or the recognition of that degree.
Professional Outlets
The study cycle has as the predominant scientific area the management and administration and as classification of the main area, according to the national classification of Areas of education and training (CNAEF), to 340-business sciences, ensuring, Predominantly, the acquisition by the student of a specialization of a professional nature.
Form senior staff of companies and state agencies, administrative and financial direction, commercial and marketing direction, research, consulting…
Learning Language
Learning Objectives
Possess in-depth knowledge in specific areas of business sciences (management, Marketing, finance, accounting and taxation), which go beyond those apprehended in the Bachelor’s degree;
Develop applied research and elaborate projects of a professional nature in specific areas of the business sciences;
Ability to integrate knowledge;
Have the ability to work individually and in groups;
Develop the critical spirit and the ability to reflect;
Be able to make decisions based on multiple sources of information;
Have the ability to analyze, plan, implement solutions and control results;
Have the ability to develop creative solutions and apply them to new contexts.
Access to Superior Studies
This course confers the degree of Master in business management
Course Coordinators
Tronco comum
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Avaliação de Investimentos | 30007371 | 5 | 1st S |
Contabilidade e Relato Financeiro | 30007360 | 5 | 1st S |
Direito dos Contratos | 30007393 | 5 | 1st S |
Economia da Empresa e da Concorrência | 30007382 | 5 | 1st S |
Gestão de Marcas | 30007354 | 5 | 1st S |
Redes e Inovação Empresarial | 30007346 | 5 | 1st S |
Análise de Dados Multivariada | 30007417 | 5 | 2nd S |
Estratégia de Internacionalização | 30007406 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Liderança e Gestão de Equipas | 30007439 | 5 | 2nd S |
Negociação e Gestão de Conflitos | 30007428 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Marketing Digital e E-Business | 30007445 | 5 | 2nd S |
Marketing Research | 30007450 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Auditoria e Controlo Interno | 30007472 | 5 | 2nd S |
Fiscalidade Empresarial | 30007461 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Corporate Governance | 30007483 | 5 | 2nd S |
Gestão Financeira e Performance | 30007494 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Dissertação/ Projeto/ Estágio | 30007513 | 50 | Annual S |
Seminário | 30007502 | 10 | 1st S |