Microaccreditation in Environmental Sustainability

Course Objectives

This course aims to promote knowledge and intervention skills in Environmental Sustainability, in order to support its integrated application in broad and multidisciplinary contexts, and at the same time guarantee bases for an individual organization capacity of the autonomous and continuous learning process. The course is based on an intervention philosophy centered on the notion that “the comprehensive training of students begins with their active participation in training activities”. In this sense, it reveals the concern to invest in a solid base formation that promotes the cultural, personal, social and ethical development of the students, that provides them with the scientific bases for the exercise of a multifaceted activity that develops in different social contexts, along with of a strong investment in the development of Environmental Sustainability.

The course is registered on the European platform, with the code 2021-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000020621-2. Preferential access to students from partner institutions in the program.

Access Conditions

Students from European consortium partner institutions.

Learning Language


Course Coordinators

Main Branch

Curricular Year: 1
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Environmental Sustainability 41003728 4 Annual S