Postgraduate Degree in Behaviour and Communication in Organizations in the Social Sector

Course Objectives

The challenges that organizations that operate in the social sector face involve the development and deepening of skills and knowledge in the domains of organizational behavior and organizational communication. This program aims to provide participants with an enrichment of theoretical and practical knowledge, updating and expanding their ability to act and intervene within social organizations in a context in which they face various challenges. The program is organized around thematic axes that are considered interdependent and framed in the specificity of organizations that operate in the social sector, such as: organizational behavior, people management and well-being, innovation, leadership and team management, organizational communication, ethics, integrity and transparency and digital communication.

Access Conditions

a) Holders of a bachelor’s degree in areas of social and human sciences and health sciences who have professional activity in organizations of the social sector, such as: Social Gerontology, Socio-Educational Animation, Organizational Communication, Management, Social Work, Psychology, Nursing, among others.
b) Professionals, who do not hold a bachelor’s degree, from other areas, with work experience in organizations of the social sector.
c) Professionals, who do not hold a bachelor’s degree, from other areas, who intend to work in organizations of the social sector.

Professional Outlets

– Middle management and advisors from social sector organizations
– Managers with intervention in teams in the social sector
– Communication advisors
– Internal and external communication consultants for the social sector
– Managers of companies operating in the social sector

Learning Language


Learning Objectives

At the end of the Postgraduate course, the student should be able to actively intervene in the design and implementation of action plans in terms of staff management and in the definition and implementation of communication channels and plans aimed at different stakeholders.